AAHE STANDARD I- Content Knowledge. Candidates demonstrate the knowledge and skills of a health literate educator RSS


Key Elements


American Association for Health Education

2008 NCATE Health Education Teacher Preparation Standards

Standard I: Content Knowledge. Candidates demonstrate the knowledge and skills of a health literate educator. Key Element A: Candidates describe the theoretical foundations of health behavior and principles of learning.

Key Element B: Candidates describe the National Health Education Standards

Key Element C: Candidates describe practices that promote health or safety

Key Element D: Candidates describe behaviors that might compromise health or safety

Key Element E: Candidates describe disease etiology and prevention practices.

Key Element F: Candidates demonstrate the health literacy skills of an informed consumer of health products and services.


Elementary Bulletin Board


Above is a bulletin board displayed during my Spring 2012 Elementary Student Teaching experience. It is an interactive board that allows for students to select "game pieces" to the correct location. There following topics are covered: nutrition, dental hygiene, personal hygiene, manners, and physical activity.



I did not predict how quickly the students would begin to use the board. Within minutes of the board being up, students were gathered around it and had begun working on it. It was truly exciting to see students engaged in a learning tool, especially with no prior encoragment to do so. Many of my future boards will take note of the power of interactive tools.
