AAHE STANDARD VI Administration and Coordination. Candidates plan and coordinate a school health education program. RSS


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Standard VI: Administration and Coordination. Candidates plan and coordinate a school health education program. Key Element A: Candidates develop a plan for comprehensive school health education (CSHE) within a coordinated school health program (CSHP).

Key Element B: Candidates explain how a health education program fits the culture of a school and contributes to the school’s mission.

Key Element C: Candidates design a plan to collaborate with others such as school personnel, community health educators, and students’ families in planning and implementing health education


Student Evaluation of Teacher

Description & Reflection

The above document is a student evaluation of my teaching abilities from my Student Teaching experience in the Spring of 2012. The evaluation was given to one of my 7th grade Health classes. The document contains: a sample of the evaluation, tabulated results, and a reflection.

I believe that if I had my own class, I would periodically pass out some sort of form to assess my teaching, and be able to adjust, if appropriate, to better benefit my students. It was a great opporuntiy to find out ways to better aide in student learning, and if i had the opportuniy, make my school health program stronger.
