Standard One

1. Scientific and Theoretical Knowledge:  

Physical education teacher candidates know and apply discipline-specific scientific and theoretical concepts critical to the development of physically educated individuals.


NASPE Standard 1 Description and Reflection blog RSS

It is an expectation that a description and reflection will be included with each artifact that you load.


Middle School Block Plans


The above document holds all block plans taught at Three Rivers Middle during my Student Teaching experience in Spring 2012. The following topics are: Cross Country, Rock Wall, & Softball.



The block plans were an excellent way to keep myself organized and focused during Student Teaching. However, I did find myself straying from my block plans often in order to reach student needs. As my experiences continue to grow, I hope that my block plans will become more appropriate to student learning.


Elementary Block Plans


The above document holds all block plans taught at Harold Martin Elementary during my Student Teaching experience in Spring 2012. The following topics are: Striking, Jump Rope, and Wellness.



The block plans were an excellent way to keep myself organized and focused during Student Teaching. I felt that writing block plans kept me focused on reaching the standards necessary.
