Standard Three

3. Planning and Implementation:                

Physical education teacher candidates plan and implement developmentally appropriate learning experiences aligned with local, state, and national standards to address the diverse needs of all students.


ST: Middle School Lesson Plans


The above documents are lesson plans that were created at my second student teaching site, during Spring 2012. Within each document, you will find all lessons for that particular unit on one document. The following units are: Cross Country, Rock Wall, and Softball.



Creating lesson plans during student teaching was a great opportunity. It was very difficult initially to create lessons for such a short period of time (45 minutes, and that's without taking in account of change time). As time continued, i had learned to flow through the lessons with more easy, and focus on what the key point was for each lesson.


Elementary Lesson Plans

Lesson Plan Reflections


The above documents are lesson plans that were created at my first student teaching site, during Spring 2012. Within the Jump Rope and Striking folders you will be directed straight to the lesson plans. Within the Wellness folder, you will be directed to grade level folders, which ultimatly lead to the lesson plans themselves.



Creating lesson plans during student teaching was a great opportunity. It forced me to focus on the developmental steps of skills and concepts for the children, in order to have an optimal learning environment.


Softball Unit Plan: 5th Grade


The Softball Unit Plan was created at my second site, during my student teaching experience in the Sping of 2012. The unit, which is designed for a 5th grade class, follows the NASPE standards. 



Surprising, I enjoyed creating the Softball Unit more than I had thought since it was not one of my personal, more enjoyed. activities. I did find it difficult to create a meaningful unit with only three days to work with. After the unit was implemented, it was great to see the leaps of improvement from the students, even though the unit was short.


Learning Tools

Wellness Unit Plan: 1st Grade


The Wellness Unit Plan was created at my first site, during my student teaching experience in the Sping of 2012. The unit, which is designed for a first grade class, combines both NASPE and AAHE standards. This combination allows for a better balanced wellness program for the students.



Having the opportunity to plan and implement a wellness unit to my students, has allowed for growth in my profession.  This growth has bettered prepared me as a future educator, and has given me understanding on what my students need in order to succeed.


World Record Break Attempt


Professional experiences project provide an opportunity to be involved in the future field of education. The first professional experience was a part of the National Geographic Kids World Record Attempt, and the second was a Halloween Festival for the community children.



My professional experiences were very enjoyable opportunities.  Both had allowed me the opportunity to coordinate an event for children, and motivate them to become physically active.




The secondary practicum, which had occurred during the Fall 2011 semester, had greatly impacted my teaching ability level.  This assignment allowed me to experience secondary aged students in both the health and physical education classroom.



Having the opportunity to step in as the teacher role was amazing. This experience has allowed me to experience several of the highs and lows of teaching. I believed that over the course of this practicum, I have grown as a future professional, and have become ready for the next step.
