Standard Four

4. Instructional Delivery and Management

Physical education teacher candidates use effective communication and pedagogical skills and strategies to enhance student engagement and learning.


Baseline Teaching Skills: Site 2


The above document contains three assessments of myself, evaluated by my cooperating teacher. I had assessed the skills during my second site of Student Teaching, during the Spring of 2012. The assessments were filled out during 5th and 6th grade classes.



I had chosen the specific skill to focus on because of how unequal my performance was at my first site, and I had hoped to see improvement at my second site, which I had. It was a good experience to re-evaluate certain points that are typically ignored, it would be a good refresher tool to keep an educator balanced, and fair to all students.


Baseline Teaching: Site 1


The above documents are assessments of my teaching abilities over the course of my Wellness unit, that took place at my first student teaching site in the Spring of 2012. The form that was used was taken from the Plymouth State University HHP Observation Packets, in order to measure my lesson clarity. An assessment was done for three different grade levels, Kindergarten, 2nd, and 3rd grade.



Having my cooperating teacher focus in on specific behaviors and actions that I did, or did not do, was key in my ability to change or improve myself. I selected the evaluation tool from the handbook because I felt that it covered many of the key points in which I was unsure of my ability in. After all assessments were completed, I found that I had done much better in my areas of concern that I thought I would have. If I did not get a complete yes as a behavior, I was marked as sometimes, but never "no". Being able to see the results on paper has made me more aware and has given me the opportunity to adjust in the lessons to follow.




The first above document is an outline observation of two classroom teachers, during my Student Teaching experience of Spring 2012. The first observation is of a 2nd grade teacher, and the second, of a 3rd grade teacher.

The next document covers observations while at my middle school site. I had traveled to the highschool next door to observe their PE and HE programs.



I really enjoyed this experience. It had allowed me the chance to see my students in a different light, and to see the strengths of students that could be utilized in PE. I think it would be beneficial, as a teacher, to observe other classes every once in a while to reevaluate oneself, and gain new prospectives. It was great to hear and see the teacher speaking, or moving, in what we are taught, it is a great refresher and provides repetition of what is needed of a teacher.


It was great to be able to see the next age group of students at work. It was amazing to see how much more work the students could handle. Also, the thought process was so much more developed than my middle school students, the fact that the students could think abstractly was phenomenal. Overall it was a great experience to not only see what potential as learners they have, but also to see the individual personalities. 


Video Analyses of Student Teaching


The above document is the analysis form which concerns a lesson that was taught at my fist and second site of Student Teaching during the Spring of 2012. The video of my lesson is currently being remformatted to fit within the limitations of the website.



Being  able to watch myself teach was an eye opening experience.  Every second of film provides feed back to me that I had not had prior to watching. It was a great way to see what my students experience in class, and how I can change to make a better learning environment. Seeing the positives of any lesson has helped be form my confidence as a teacher, and better evaluate my weaknesses to better the learning experience. 



The secondary practicum, which had occurred during the Fall 2011 semester, had greatly impacted my teaching ability level.  This assignment allowed me to experience secondary aged students in both the health and physical education classroom.




Having the opportunity to step in as the teacher role was amazing. This experience has allowed me to experience several of the highs and lows of teaching. I believed that over the course of this practicum, I have grown as a future professional, and have become ready for the next step.
