Standard Five

5. Impact on Student Learning:     

Physical education teacher candidates utilize assessments and reflection to foster student learning and inform instructional decisions.


Middle Sample Assessments


The above document is a set of sample assessments sheets that were used at my middle school site during my Student Teaching experience in Spring 2012.



By making assessments, I was able to find out what students needed to work on, already mastered, or if my objectives needed to be adjusted to meet student needs.


Elementay Sample Assessments


The above document is a set of sample assessments sheets that were used at my elementary site during my Student Teaching experience in Spring 2012.



Creating assessment tools made seeing what the students needed to work on, or already mastered, much easier. 


NASPE Standard 5 Description and Reflection blog RSS

It is an expectation that a description and reflection will be included with each artifact that you load.


Student Learning Project - Middle School


The above document is of my Student Learning Project at my second student teaching site in the Spring of 2012. The assessment project had analyzed the results of student ability to climb a rock wall. Statistics were used to validate the information.


Student Learning Project - Elementary School


Running an analysis on my students'  results was very interesting. By just looking at my score sheets, I wasn't sure if I would reach my objective with only 3 class periods. THe students had surprised my with how much growth that they had demonstrated over time. 



The above document is of my Student Learning Project of my first student teaching site in the Spring of 2012. The assessment project had analyzed the results of student ability to single jump rope. Statistics were used to validate the information.



Running an analysis on my students'  results was very interesting. By just looking at my score sheets, it was obvious that the students had improved, but the statistics make it much more real, more authentic. Which also allows me to better adjust to reach the the students who need additional aid more.


Elementary: Student Evaluation of Teacher


The above document is the evaluation given to a 3rd grade class to evaluate my performance as their teacher. In addition to the sample evaluation, there is a summery of the student results as well.



Creating an evaluation for the elementary students was difficult. Finding questions that were understandable to the students and beneficial to help me grow as teacher took some time. After tabulating the results, the students had overall felt that I was fair, and enjoyed the environment that I provided. As for other questions, there were also good results, but still needed improvement. For those questions, the questions should have been worded differently, questions that were more specific to the student learning process.
