

My resume, last updated March 4, 2012, is compiled of all of my accomplishments and awards while attending Plymouth State University. Creating a resume has better organized my professional–life experiences.



I have enjoyed creating a resume over my years at Plymouth State University. This opportunity has allowed me to make a fantastic template for when I graduate and begin my professional career.


Description & Reflections

The above document outlines my gained perspectives of what being a teacher is, besides the classroom. These meetings were attended during my Spring 2012, Student Teaching experience.

Attending these meetings had forced me to realize all of the dirty jobs and contract issues that teachers deal with are. It was exciting, and a little frightening, to see the quiet, sweet women, scream and yell with such force on their views and opinions. It was an interesting environment that I have gained plenty from. 


Standard Six

6. Professionalism:             

Physical education teacher candidates demonstrate dispositions essential to becoming effective professionals.



Future Professionals


The above document is an interview with the school nurse at both schools during my student teaching experience, that took place in the Spring of 2012.



Having the interview with the nurse had made me more aware of my duties as a teacher, especially in the gymnasium. Accidents are never planned, so after this opportunity, I felt more comfortable with situations that had, and could have happened during my time at the school. I like this with Standard 5 because I felt that this knowledge will help build me as a professional when dealing with health issues.
