Compiled by Becky Ciulla ’06, Office of Alumni Relations, Class Notes Intern
Phyllis Patenaude just turned 92 and is doing great.
Grace Thomas Guptill and Helen Hurd Day ’35 attended Alumni Day in June 2004. They were the only ones from their classes, but tables were set up for classes 1930 – 1940 and they visited with some other former friends. Helen and Grace had lunch with Hester Small Ames and her husband several times during the summer. Grace celebrated her 88th birthday with her family in June. Hester and Amesy are well and enjoying their lovely home and gardens, which keep them busy. Taschia Platek is very busy as usual. A family reunion in October celebrated her 90th birthday. She is planning a trip to Sicily in the spring. She is now involved in a 30-week study group called Christian Believer. Dorothy Pierce Main took a trip with family on the Lafayette Dinner Train at North Woodstock and recommends it to everyone. She and her husband enjoy their 200-year-old home and sent Grace some nice pictures. Elizabeth Donovan, granddaughter of Helen Macek Daroska, earned a B.A. degree summa cum laude from Boston College and will return to study for her master’s. Michael Guptill, 29-year-old grandson of Grace Thomas Guptill, died in October of injuries received in a tragic auto accident in Henniker, N.H.
Rev. Helen Thomas wishes the best of luck to the class of 1940.
Ethel Bartlett Wood has a new grandchild, Chase Wood, born in October.
Evelyn Page Uhlenberg lost her husband, Frank, in 1989. She enjoys her daughter, Shirley, and her son, Harvey. He and his wife, Rita, have several children and grandchildren. Ethel Page Cushing was married to Russell for 60 years. Russell died in 2004. Son Wyatt, and his wife, Pat, live in Ethel’s home in Belmont. Daughter April is married to Randy Springfield; they live in Hollis, N.H., and have two sons.
The granite bench and chestnut tree are in place! Ruth Dolby Young, Farion Pounder Richardson and Pat Dubeau Harlow visited this spot and award on A+ to all involved. The visit was followed by a great lunch at Walter’s Basin in Holderness. Lean Gray missed the dedication. She had gall bladder surgery and reports are that she is doing well. Ruth Dubly Young, Laura Pike Detouch, and Joyce Bruck Young paid a visit to Winnifred Bassett at the Merrimack Nursing Home in Boscawen. She had a bad fall in April and is still recovering. Pat Harlow returned recently from a trip to China and Tibet. She sailed through the Three Gorges, which will disappear forever when the great dam is finished. Fernande Stanford is recovering from back surgery and feeling much better.
We have reached an age when sadness will hit our hearts time and time again, with the passing of our dear friends and loved ones. Our class president, Gertrude B. Barron, died January 3, 2005. Thanks to Elsie R. Rushton, who sent me a copy of the service, which she and Virginia Hallisey were able to attend. Gertie will be surely missed. Thank you for your Christmas cards and notes. Cynthia P. Harmon and I were happy to have Pauline T. Cole come for a visit. However, sadness has hit Cynthia with the passing of her husband, Frank. Marian L. Warren had a setback, but seems to be getting stronger. We’re hoping that is the case. Virginia D. Dearborn must have had a great Christmas and birthday celebration at her granddaughter’s and family. She mentioned that she sees Judy Pease about twice a week-also Dorothy Jesseman and Barbara G. Pike now and then. I received a very informative letter from Phyllis G. Miller in Florida. She and her husband have traveled extensively, and enjoy fixing up their home. Sounds great, Fee. Ruth G. Bolduc has been my source for news when I couldn’t get Lucy. Thank you both so much. Beverly W. Shaw is one who is “in the know” much of the time. She’s a busy bee and thanks for the “honey,” WORM. Barbara P. Patch is always ready to lend a hand or phone. Rosamond B. Hingston keeps busy, but is there when I need her. Thanks. Pauline W. Merrill and Ruth G. Bolduc keep in touch! Betty R. Tennyson and husband, Don, will be heading to California, and then on to Florida. Hope they have an enjoyable visit. We would like news of more of you. Hugs to all, Drina P. Blanchette.
Marjorie Lee is very active with Inter-Lakes High School. She has been managing the school store for 16 years and is involved with the Christmas fund there.
Ann Nihan Joy has a house in Florida and is a great-grandmother to a beautiful girl.
Natalie Bergeron Wheaton took an 11-day trip to Greece and Turkey in November and had a great time. Elizabeth Hayward Batchelder and her husband celebrated their 50th anniversary.
Daulette Pestonji O’Mara broke her leg and is recuperating.
Jeraldine Davis Dean is a busy grandmother of seven grandchildren between the ages of two and 12. Joan and John Hodsdon are living between Exeter, N.H., and Ocean Park, Maine. During March and April they enjoy staying at the Stoneybrook Golf and Country Club in Sarasota, Fla. They have five children and nine grandchildren. John enjoys tennis and golf. He and Joan try to walk three or more miles a day. If you are in the area, he asks that you give him a call. Diane Busky Lerandu is living in Niceville, Fla., and was lucky enough to escape the hurricane damage from Ivan. She and friends have a week’s cruise planned to the Caribbean at the end of January. Frank and Jody Buffum Wilson visited Italy in November and plan to go birding in the Amazon in late January. Tom and Dawn Buckminster Giroux have moved to the village in Bethel, Maine, and love it. They went on a family reunion to the outer banks of North Carolina in July. In August, Dawn, two daughters and a grandson visited Scotland. Dick and Ellie Di Buono Poulin have a second grandson, Nicholas, courtesy of Mark and Pam. They spent September at her cousin’s camp in Maine. In November they went on a 12-day cruise to the southern Caribbean. They spent January to April in Naples, Fla., and got together with Norma Huggins Heinz.
Irene MacDonald Haskell is now retired and loving it.
Shirley Barron Belisle is a member of the executive board for the NEA in New Hampshire. Ranghild Akerman is turning 90 this spring.
We were greatly saddened by the passing of Helen Oroski in November. Her many friends will always remember her infectious laugh and wonderful sense of humor! We extend our sympathies to her family. A group of classmates met for an enjoyable lunch in Manchester. Nancy Hoffman has recently moved back to the Manchester area and was happy to see old friends, many of whom she hadn’t seen since we graduated! Thanks, Kathy Nelson. Nancy Brown Barrett holds a scholarship fund golf tournament in memory of her husband John Barrett on May 17 in Stockbridge, Mass. Any donations or interest in playing, please call Nancy at (413) 637-2610. Patricia LaPlante retired in June 2003.
Linda Peterson Cook writes “My husband, Don, and I had a chance to visit the campus in August. The changes are amazing, especially the transformation of Russell House and the Hartman Union Building. Somehow the distance between Mary Lyon Hall and Silver Hall seems much shorter now than it did 42 years ago! We appreciated the friendly helpfulness of several people throughout the campus-Jen Johnson, Angela Matthews and Diane Jeffrey. We owe special thanks to Betsy Cheney, who took time from her busy day to give us a tour of Silver Hall and the Hartman Union Building, for catching us up on the activities of some almost forgotten people, and for researching locations of some plaques. My husband and I are enjoying summers at our lakes home in northern Minnesota, spending fall and spring in Iowa while he works at the John Deere dealership, and getting away to Florida or the southwest for a month or two during the winter.” Phyllis Houle Hanley is now enjoying retirement very much. William Andrews is sales manager at Johnson Precision in Amherst, N.H. Jane Hinman Ramsay is happily retired since October 2003.
Clarence Curley retired from teaching at Midlakes High School after 33 years. Clarence now works at Rochester (N.Y.) Rehab, teaching driving to individuals with disabilities. Meredith Conway Ruple started a new career working with disabled children at Greenwood Springs High School.
Brenda Davis retired last year and loves it. Paul Breckell took early retirement and is now involved in driver training. Prudence Gjettum Nealis still teaches French at St. Thomas School. Her daughter will be getting married in June; her son is a lawyer in Ohio and has been married for two years. Barbara Cartier Shaw was re-elected to a third term in the New Hampshire House of Representatives. She serves on the State Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs Committees. Gerald Oleson writes, “Having taught high school English for 28 years in private and public schools in Maine and New Hampshire, I retired in 1991 because of a bout with throat cancer. I have half a vocal chord left and sound like a combination of Darth Vader and the Godfather. This year I will be presented the Roger Baldwin Award by the Maine Civil Liberties Union for my work in getting an anti-U.S. Patriot Act resolution passed in Bangor, Maine. The annual award goes to individuals who have made a significant contribution to civil liberties in Maine. I am a founding member of the Bangor chapter of Veterans for Peace. I spend my time studying, reading and writing articles about school testing, peace and justice issues, and progressive politics. I live with my cat, Tigger, in Bangor, Maine, and in Jefferson Highlands, N.H. I enjoy trout fishing, wilderness survival training and camping, and selling old postcards and books on eBay.”
Bonita Higgins Maskery reports her son, Scott, works for the Air Force; he’s married and their second child was born in July. Her younger son, Michael, is a fashion designer in Boston. Phyllis Gagne Grover retired from teaching sixth grade math at Green Bay Public School and is going to take a three-month trip to Florida. Nancy Brown took early retirement. Both of Bradford Marshall’s sons are in the military in Iraq.
Sherel Sonne Frere’s daughter has just gotten married. Kathleen Grant Spears is now employed as a special educator at Richford (Vt.) High School. She has four children, four grandsons and three granddaughters. C. Christiansen retired after 34 years at Pembroke Academy. Elizabeth Hunter is taking some time to travel and works part time as a deacon at St. Mark’s Cathedral.
Barbara Smith DiVenuti has been married for 37 years now and has two children. Her daughter is studying biology at UNH and is going to Australia for a semester. Her son graduated from Northeastern University and is getting married in January. As for Barbara, she is teaching at Manchester School of Technology and now owns a sailboat with her sister; they sail to Hampton and Wells. Martha O’Connell’s daughter got married last year and lives in Oregon. Patricia O’Keefe Lang retired from teaching in the Dresden School District in 2002. Ronald Brown received his master’s degree from Eastern Michigan University.
Shelia Linehan Nudd was nominated for the fifth time for Who Who’s among America’s Teachers. L. Richard Carter recently retired from teaching at Taunton School District. He now travels a lot and has three grandchildren. Jacqueline Belanger Prince’s husband passed away. David Allen is now the assistant vice president for benefits training at Unum Provident Life Insurance Co.
James Lincoln won the INAAA National Athletic Administration award and the New Hampshire State Merit Award. Nancy Fitzgerald Brown teaches online and on-campus courses at University of Lowell (Mass.). Frances McGrath Dolloph is director of community education at Potomac State College in West Virginia. Gina Willey Hutchinson wrote, “It’s time for us to get going on plans for 2005. According to pop culture, today’s 35 is really only 25 so we’ve been out only 25 years and we’re not yet 50. Just because some of us have had our former third graders as student teachers shouldn’t make us forget that once upon a time we were a wild and crazy bunch. … I am hoping we can all get back to a place that was such a huge part of our lives and revive some fun. It was the last carefree part of our lives unless you consider the difficulty of covering our pajamas for classes. In the meantime I wanted to share that if you watch college football and the Bowl Games you have a great chance of seeing what I have been doing over these past 35 years. From teaching came coaching baton twirlers-quite a twist of random fate. … Last summer my team spent 10 days performing in Germany including at Grafenwar Army base for troops arriving and being deployed to Iraq. In February part of the team [competed] at Disney World and marched in the Disney Magic Kingdom Parade. … Some of you may remember that my daughter, Lori, was a week old at graduation. She went on to be the feature twirler at Penn State and is now a pharmaceutical representative in the Philadelphia area. She and her husband, Mark, have two sons, Zachary (5) and Benjamin (3). Being a grandparent is absolutely the best. Being far away from them is the worst. Alisa, second daughter, was feature twirler at Syracuse and after 10 years in Atlanta as a marketing executive transferred to Connecticut with her husband, Aaron. So all the money I save on airline tickets I can spend on the grandchildren. Now let’s hear about what has happened with all of you.”
Mark Bussiere has two new grandchildren. Gerald Carpenter has been teaching at Stafford School for 33 years. Robert Paine is a teacher at Northwood School for special education. Susan Pelletier Patria is a health educator for the State of Connecticut secondary schools.
Joyce Goepfert Bard’s daughters both got married this past year. Kathleen Moran Hoben’s daughter is a first-year student at Plymouth State University.
Ellison Badger is the Ashland, N.H., town planner. Deborah Fitzgerald Waterman just finished 32 years of teaching at Out-of-Door-Academy. Jane Lessard has been teaching for 21 years at Merrimack Valley School. Rev. Diane Merrill Pomeroy is a first-time grandmother. John Grady is teaching history at Elm St. Middle School. Brenda Baines Grady is teaching botany and zoology at Nashua High School North.
Lynne Gazda Brecknock is a coordinator for adult education in Manchester. Maryl Weston Kilbourn is doing well and has two sons who have both recently graduated: one from college and the other from high school. Bruce Wiggett retired as president at Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. Donna Warner is serving in the U.S. Air Force. Carolyn Poirier Mast is employed at Accruit and defers taxes on personal property. Linda Nelson Sullivan has been teaching first grade for 30 years in Keene. Nancy Aldrich received the 2004 PSU Distinguished Operating Staff Award. She has worked at Plymouth State for 25 years, the past 14 years as program assistant for the Child Development and Family Center.
S. Thomas Hall’s daughter is a Division One basketball coach at St. Francis College in Brooklyn. Suzanne Heath wrote the book Wrightslaw: No Child Left Behind, with Pete and Pam Wright. Debra Herman Wyman is an operator manager at New Hampshire Community Loan Fund. Her daughter is in her second year in architectural engineering in Miami and her son is a senior at St. Paul School in Concord. Fran Tishkevich received his Ed.D. degree in math education last September. Mary Carter Hinds’ daughter is 15 and her son is a sophomore at UNH. Donald Robbins works for the state of Vermont as a human resources manager. Jane Bennett Smith is happily retired. Bonnie Moses Beadle is teaching a computer class at Newfound Middle School. Andrea Jackman Halnon celebrated her 50th birthday by running the Vermont City Marathon. Running and racing have become a recent passion. She’s still teaching at Bristol Elementary School in Vermont. She has a daughter at Middlebury College and a son who will be heading off to college somewhere next year. So she’ll be teaching for many years to come. Nancy Beegle Badger writes, “Our 30th Reunion will be celebrated at Homecoming during the weekend of October 14 – 16, 2005. Please plan to attend several get-togethers that weekend! We will celebrate with our donation of a very large check to the Class of 1975 Gift Fund. We hope to get a donation from every classmate. Please contact me at for more information, or the Plymouth State Alumni Office. See you in October!”
Patricia Cameron’s son graduated from Plymouth State University in 2004 and is now teaching preschool in Melrose, Mass. Jean Gover is now the assistant program administrator for the Drinking Driver Monitoring Program. Thomas Bowden’s oldest daughter graduated from James Madison University in Virginia. David Barrett would like to get in touch with Professor Ferland, Professor Wixson or Professor Burrows and classmates of ’76 in surrounding towns of Texas. Please e-mail him at Nick Vailas hopes to start a small-group health insurance company based on health savings and high deductibles. Scott Hale’s son is a freshman at Plymouth State University. Steven Enman is still teaching at Berlin Junior High School and is thinking about retiring in a few years. Sarah Jewell Harris volunteers for the Alzheimer’s Association. Gregg Gandin’s daughter also recently graduated from PSU. Steve Stefanides is sales manager at NAFECO Inc.
Walter Bliss got his master’s degree in education at the University of New England. Vivian Demanche Pelletier has three daughters and is doing great. One recently graduated from high school, another graduated from UNH with a degree in zoology, and another is in Baltimore getting her Ph.D. in mechanical engineering. Larry Kontos is celebrating the 26th anniversary of musicians at Lobster Fest in Campton, N.H.
Nancy Barcelos is curriculum coordinator at Sanddown North. Judith Killen Baraly is a tax professional at Aquila Business Services. Darby Mahan Lanpher’s son is a freshman at Michigan University and is playing soccer. Her daughter is a high school junior. Harold Bamford’s son will be studying in London for a semester. Linda Gray is a senior foundation officer at New Hampshire Charitable Foundation.
Diane Erwin is a registered nurse at York hospital; her son is in college. Jocelyne Dube Elmore survived breast cancer. She’s been married for 15 years and has an 11-year-old daughter.
Kevin Ingram has been teaching for 25 years. Bill Ribas published his third book in January 2005. He recently retired as assistant superintendent of the Brookline (Mass.) Public Schools to take a position as president of an educational training consulting and publishing company in Westwood, Mass. See page 40 for news of Karen Mitchell O’Shaughnessy.
Gary Kelley was promoted to chief information officer at Merrimack College. Dana Irvin is director of accounting at Amerigroup Corp. Barbara Montague recently moved after 15 years in San Luis Obispo, Calif, to take a position in Family Medicine in San Angelo, Texas, with West Texas Medical Associates. Jon Clark announced that his real estate firm is moving. David Conway was named vice president of finance and chief financial officer for Summit. Jeffry Vaughn is now the senior vice president of sales and new business development at Homemaker Industries. Randall and Vicky Ayer’s daughter won the state championship for field hockey at Berlin (N.H.) High School.
Carolyn Tucker Hunt is a second grade teacher at Bristol Community School. Diane Caron Daley is no longer a teacher and now sells real estate. Christopher Desjardins’ son goes to Plymouth State University. Both father and son played on the same soccer team; his son even has the same jersey number (16). David Vanderzee is adopting a little girl who is eight and a half. He still ski races. Vanessa Stone Rocke is a real estate broker at Stagg-Warren Associates. Patricia Tucker is retired and has more time to spend with her granddaughter. Sherry Wakefield is now self-employed; her business is called Budget Tax Service. Jennifer Nickerson-Hoffman and C. Gary Hoffman have been living in the Charlottesville, Va., area for the past seven years. Gary is division manager for Waddell Reed Financial Services in Richmond, and keynote speaker/author of the forthcoming book, The Real Cost of College: How to Pay for Your Kids’ College Education without Bankrupting Your Retirement. Jennifer is an artist and a reference librarian at the Fiske Kimball Fine Arts Library at the University of Virginia. They have five children ranging in age from seven to 20.
Brenda Carpenter Inman was promoted to manager at New Hampshire Electric Co-op. Kevin Whitfield works for BSW at George Mason University. Deborah Kendall is a project manager at York County Soil Water Conservation District in Alfred, Maine. Jill Kelley Brown is a kindergarten teacher at The Academy at Ocean Reef. Daniel Shelley and his wife, Gail, have two boys. News of Richard Ober can be found on page 24.
Michele Steffiare Busby was nominated for Who’s Who among America’s Teachers for 2004. Grace Marino just completed her master’s degree. Michael Mawn is a manager of contracts at BAE Assistants.
Joe Teno is president of Athleta in Petaluma, Calif. Bruce Black is vice president for chemical and biological defense at Geo-Centers. James Marshall is manager of contracts administration at BAE Systems. See page 20 for news of John Morgridge.
Shaun Menzie is following his family tradition as the executive directors of Boys’ Clubs. He has introduced a greater educational and artistic environment to the club. Bernard Cornell is a lieutenant at the Fire Department of New York. Paul Buff is a Mt. Ascutney Hospital incorporator and serves on the hospital’s development and nominating committees. Charles Hemon is still having fun after all these years. Brent Edgerton will be getting his master’s in long-term care administration from the University of Southern California.
Patricia Sencabaugh Topp is an attorney with her own practice.
Glen Wilkinson moved back to New Hampshire from Georgia and a 12-year tour of the south. Karen Hart McGreal has two children and is very happy. James Herlihy is a sports information director at Florida Gulf Coast University. Michael LeGage is a teacher in Buxton, Maine. Chris Wood is assistant director of athletics and head coach of men’s basketball at Bard College. He says he’s having the time of his life, and adds, “In just under three years we have taken what was considered the worst basketball team in the country for NCAA DIII and turned it into a very competitive and recognized program, capped off with the Tournament Championship this year. On February 19 and 20, we captured the first-ever basketball title in school history for men or women when we won the Hudson Valley Men’s Athletic Conference title on a last-second shot by my captain, Collin Orcutt. We are entering play in a new conference for next year called the North Eastern Athletic Conference and are thrilled that our last experience in the HCMAC was a win! I have enclosed a picture of myself cutting down the nets for the first time-a true thrill of a lifetime and a real moment of appreciation for all that I learned in my days at Plymouth State.”
William Hughen is director of guidance at Alvirne High School. Mark Boley is a sales manager for Austin International in Latin America. Peter Ernst is a teacher at Neighborhood Charter School in Georgia. Shawn Joyce is president of Margaritas Management Group in Greenland.
Tami-Lynne Chevalier was promoted to executive director of the YMCA. Eileen Sheehy is the new assistant principal at Wells High School. Jason Hunter had a memorable season as head women’s coach at College of DuPage, with an 18-2 record, just one win shy of the national championship game. He’s also a professor in the health and PE department.
Kimberly Yeaw Gould is a teacher at Smithfield High School. Rich Reilly was in “Snapshots” in the Newtown Bee newspaper. Lisa Laroche Belanger is a guidance counselor at Pelham Elementary School. Bulent Suslu is branch manager at Kuehne Nagel in Turkey.
Debra Huff is case management supervisor at FootPrints Carolina Inc. in North Carolina. Donald Hundgen is offering a line of fun cards that rhyme. Mostly Christmas greeting cards, they are full of humor ( Douglas Drew is happily living in Portland with his wife and two children. He is a guidance counselor. Gayle Morrell is a retired teacher. Marsi Gilson Wisniewski has two daughters and is doing well.
Dave Cummings is very happily married with two children. He works for The Cabinet Press. Joyleen Seymour had her first short story published in Shots magazine. Her story, “Fish in the Tree,” is a crime story set in a small town in New Hampshire. Shanon Mason works at The Center of Hope Inc. as resource service coordinator. Mariann Hunter sends greetings from the Midwest. She is the director of annual giving at Aurora (Ill.) University. She and Jason ’90 are doing well and would love to hear from former athletes, res life staff and co-workers. Denita Tremblay is now a criminal lawyer with her own offices. She received her law degree from Roger Williams University in Rhode Island.
Jennifer Otten is a Peace Corps volunteer living in Kazakhstan. She is teaching English as a second language, and will be living in a village in southern Siberia for two years. Donna Herlihy is a special education director. Her son is a junior at PSU. Christos Kelemenis had lunch with Vasilis Rousonikolos; both are international graduates from Plymouth State. They would like to hear news from their good friend, Luis Losada. Please contact them by e-mail at Marilyn Walker is director of sport conditioning at The Center Studio in Connecticut.
Erin Collins is a guidance counselor at Schuylerville (N.Y.) High School. Kerri Biller is happily working as a tutor/teacher in York, N.H. David Conway has joined Summit Company as vice president in charge of finance and chief financial officer. Michael French is a historical interpreter and master craftsman at Canterbury (N.H.) Shaker Village. John Blake coaches hockey at Duxbury High School where they had a huge victory against Arlington Catholic.
Tiffany Pelletier is employed at as a financial analyst in Massachusetts.
Linda Gray is now a senior foundation officer at New Hampshire Charitable Foundation. Aminta “Minty” Conant was promoted to director of North American operations at Lydall Thermal Acoustical. Teague Shultz is senior network engineer at Nortel Newworks. Brian Oswalt is traveling cross country right now. The following alums participated in the “Reach the Beach Relay”: Scott Cummings ’00 and Theresa Cummings, Dong Nguyen and Matt Contorchick ’00, with Stephanie Nguyen in charge of the support vehicle. The goal was 200 miles in 24 hours, beginning at Bretton Woods and finishing in Hampton Beach.
Jennifer Chmura is a team leader at Criterion Child Enrichment Inc. in Massachusetts. Brooks Parker was inducted into Alpha Kappa Mu, a chapter of Phi Theta Kappa National Honor society at Bunker Hill College. She is pursuing a career in cardiology sonography. Joyce Pochily has joined Salem-based Blackdog Design/Build/Remodel as a project manager.
Laura Jean Brown-Johansmeyer and her husband, Tom, have moved to New York City. Laura is working as a human resources generalist at a corporate proxy solicitation firm in downtown Manhattan. Tom is the Internet content manager for Ottaway Newspapers. They live on the Upper West Side and love their new home. David Rice is an information analyst at Bluecross Blue Shield in Washington, D.C. Elizabeth Jacob is a marketing analyst for Fisher Scientific. Brian Duchesne attended Army basic training at Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri. He will continue with officer training in the very near future and is looking to go into the medical field. Lindsay Audette now lives in Boston. Becki Fenton is living in southern New Hampshire and is doing great. She’s a residential mortgage originator and is taking classes to get her real estate license. She hopes everyone is doing great. Her e-mail address is
Paul Torti is an account executive at Blue Cross of Rhode Island. Erin Hounsel Chubb recently moved to Thornton, N.H., with her husband, Shane. Carolyn Geremia is a fifth grade teacher in New York City. Courtney O’Sullivan is working in California as a senior financial analyst for BAE System.
Chet Bowen is an admissions counselor for Northeastern University. Heather Dean Osborne is a multiage teacher at Rindge Memorial School. Kristin Ruston Morin is a software engineer at Raytheon in Massachusetts. Rebecca Kennedy is assistant women’s soccer coach at PSU and won the 2000 Panther award.
Andrea Aldrich is a claims representative with Progressive Insurance and is enrolled in the MBA program at PSU. She is engaged to Donald “DJ” Bowne; a summer 2005 wedding is planned. Caitlin Baker is an athletic trainer at Southern Maine Community College. Karen Cloutier is a counselor at the Milan Village School. Second Lieutenant Adam Lynch reported to Pensacola, Fla., for primary flight training. Mark Mercer is working at Oxford Global Resources as an account manager. Michael Fabian is a financial service associate at Peoples Bank in Connecticut.
Conal Ryan is a public inquiry team leader at SI International. Anthony Sperazzo is a first-year physical education teacher at Gilford Middle School and is encouraging children to be more active by starting a 10,000 steps pedometer program. Jeffery Moore is resident director at Hiram College in Ohio. Derek Hodgdon is pension administrator at American Fiduciary Corporation in Massachusetts. Patricia Quinn is working at Kingswood Regional High School as a vocational assessment specialist.