Kimberly Williams and Marcel Lebrun, chair of the Department of Education and professor of special education
“This book was written as a reference guide for all new and experienced teachers and parents,” explains Lebrun. “It highlights many of the hidden dangers that children face every day in the most common of places. The book is meant to build awareness as well as sensitivity to what children experience at home, at school, and in their communities.
“Kim Williams and I decided to write the book because we saw several examples of children being hurt, killed, or becoming disabled in accidents and situations that could have been prevented if the adults in their lives had some common knowledge about the factors that often lead to harm. We included several sections on cyberbullying, online predators, and mental health factors that are often overlooked or not focused upon in family and school discussions. We wanted to put these topics out on the table so adults can begin having discussions with the children under their care.
“The book is rich with many resources both Web-based and community-based to answer questions, inspire further research, and share information. Knowledge is power and with this new power, adults can empower themselves to do the right thing when it comes to educating and raising responsible and aware children. This book is a powerful resource guide and is meant to educate all who take the time to investigate the information and resources within.”
Tags: and Smart Healthy Keeping Kids Safe Marcel Lebrun