Elaine Allard (Library) and Casey Bisson (Information Technology Services) presented “Integrating the Library into the Campus Portal” at the Association of College and Research Libraries New England Chapter Technology Interest Group’s winter meeting at Merrimack College, North Andover, Mass.
Catherine Amidon (Karl Drerup Art Gallery) had a public “conversation” with Jamaican artist Stanford Watson at APEC Art in New York City, January 28. She presented the paper “Revisiting Jamaica” at the Arts Council of the African Studies Association Conference at Harvard University and the Peabody Essex Museum, in March.
Roy Andrews’ (Writing Center) short story, “The Sunglasses,” was published in New Orleans Review.
Gary Corcoran (Music, Theatre, and Dance) was guest conductor for the 120-member high school honor band at the Northern Region Music Festival at New Britain (Conn.) High School. He also conducted the Maine District III Honor Band at a two-day festival at Boothbay Regional High School.
Elizabeth D’Amico (Art) exhibited two works in the Women’s Caucus for Art (WCA) Juried “Spring Cleaning Exhibit” at Artstream in Rochester, N.H.
Robin DeRosa (English) presented “Truth and Tourism: The Production of Originality in Salem’s Witch City” at the Northeast Modern Language Association conference in Pittsburgh.
Terry Downs, Tom Driscoll, Carol Jowdy and Annette Mitchell (Art), along with alumni Megan K. Magrauth ’98 and Christopher Hill Morse ’82, and students Hyo-Jung Cha, Anita Dillman, Alexis Eynon, Michael French and Jo-Ann Gardella, were all included in the Prints of the Year exhibition at the Franklin Pierce Law Center, February to April.
Bonnie Epstein (English) has been selected for Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers for the third time. Faculty members must be nominated by a student from the National Dean’s List or Who’s Who. Only two percent of teachers in the United States are multiple-year honorees. For more on Epstein, see “Bonnie Epstein is 2003 Hogan Award Honoree“.
Dick Evans (Mathematics) was elected Northeast Representative to the Affiliate Service Committee of the Ntional Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM).
Carleen Graff (Music, Theatre, and Dance) gave a series of four master classes for junior and senior high school students at the Goodwin Studio in Dover, N.H. She taught two master classes and gave a lecture-performance on the solo piano works of Bela Bartok at Darrell’s Music Hall in Nashua.
Marcel Lebrun (Education) received a Gerald Howard Read International Summer Scholarship grant from Phi Delta Kappa honor society to take part in educational training and seminars in Chile, Brazil and Argentina in July. In February he was a presenter at the Summit for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support in Concord for 330 educators. Lebrun is director of the Lakes Regional Behavioral Center at PSU.
Lisa Lindgren (Business) presented three papers, “Determining Customer Needs to Create Innovative Products,” “Legal and Ethical Issues of Internet Marketing Practices: Consumer Trust and Privacy” and “Protecting Corporate Image and Reputation from Internet Threats” at the Association of Marketing Theory and Practice conference in Sandestin, Fla., in March.
Wynne Lobel (Wellness Center) presented a women’s lacrosse coaching clinic, one of a series put on nationwide by U.S. Lacrosse, the sport’s governing body.
Margie King (HPER) was named research chair of the National Academy of Sports Medicine and was invited to speak on “Core Stability: Scientific Support for Clinical Practice” at the New England Academy of Sports Medicine. King received the 2004 Athletic Training Service Award from the National Athletic Trainers’ Association for her many years of service and contributions to athletic training.
Angela Matthews (Development) has been asked to serve on the board of directors of Continuing Education in Fund Raising (CONFR), which hosts workshops and conferences for professionals in the field.
Gail Mears (Education) presented a workshop on the difficulties of parenting at a distance at the Laconia State Prison, where she and Leo Sandy also presented workshops on child abuse and learning disabilities.
Scott Meyer (Social Work) and Leo Sandy (Education) published “A Buddhist Voice for Achieving World Citizenship and Universal Peace” in the magazine Life Positive Plus (New Delhi, India).
Annette Mitchell (Art) had art work included in the exhibition “Works from the Permanent Collection” at the McIninch Gallery, Southern New Hampshire University. She presented a printmaking workshop in Brookline, N.H., in February.
Joe Monninger (English) published an essay on dog sledding in the Boston Globe. His story, “White Pigs,” appeared in Ellery Queen magazine. For more on Monninger, see “First Camp Out” .
Mark Okrant (Social Science) and Timothy Tyrrell (University of Rhode Island) coauthored “Importance Performance Analysis: Is a Theoretical Economic Basis Needed?” for Tourism Analysis vol. 9, nos. 1 – 2.
Angela Ricciardi (English) had three poems accepted by the literary journal Mobius: “Opposition” and “Before the Fall” in the May issue, and “Alaska” in the upcoming November issue.
Leo Sandy (Education) was appointed to the N.H. State Department of Education School Psychology Advisory Council.
Jonathan Santore (Music, Theatre, and Dance) had two works performed at the 2004 national conference of the Society of Composers, Inc. at the University of Central Oklahoma. Rondo Ostinato (Elegy for Z), for brass quintet, was written for PSU alumna Elisa Curren ’01, who is completing a Master of Music degree in trumpet performance at Illinois State University. Untitled, for chorus and piano, was written for Dan Perkins (Music, Theatre, and Dance) and the New Hampshire Friendship Chorus for their Summer 2002 tour of Southeast Asia. Santore was selected for inclusion in the 2003-2004 edition of Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers. He is composer-in-residence for the New Hampshire Master Chorale, conducted by Perkins.
Marcia Santore (Public Relations) will be included in the 24th edition of Who’s Who of American Women (Marquis, 2004 – 2005).
Evelyn Stiller and Cathie LeBlanc (Computer Science) have been invited by Addison Wesley publishers to create a second edition of their software engineering textbook, Project-Based Software Engineering, an Object-Oriented Approach.
Roger Tinnell’s (Foreign Language) article “Epistolario de Emilio Aladrén con Federico García Lorca” was published in Festschrift honoring the Belgian Hispanist Christian De Paepe: Federico García Lorca et Cetera. Estudios sobre las literaturas hispánicas en honor de Christian de Paepe (Leuven: Leuven University Press)
David Zehr (Psychology) presented his poster “Where’s Harry? Student Scholarship in a History of Psychology Course” at the American Psychological Society teaching institute in Chicago in May.