Dear Alumni and Friends,
Have you ever wanted to find a way to give back to today’s Plymouth State students? A fantastic way to not only give back, but to get a little back, is by being a mentor. PSU’s Alumni Mentors program allows you to connect with students and other alumni to share your experiences and help guide them through the career search process. It is an opportunity to truly make a difference in the lives of our students and alumni. To learn more about becoming an alumni mentor, please e-mailme or visit the alumni relations blog.
I am pleased to announce that the Plymouth State University Alumni Association Board of Directors recently welcomed Monica Grijalva Bardier ’92 to the board. Monica comes to us with a wealth of experience in public relations, marketing, and communications, and is the owner/president of PingPR in Manchester, NH. “I enjoyed my four years at Plymouth State and believe it is time to give back to the one place and a period of time that truly helped carve the person I am today,” Monica says. “I am honored to be part of the board of directors and pledge to dedicate my expertise, time, and financial capabilities to this organization.” Welcome to the team, Monica.
Nominations are now being accepted for representatives to serve on the alumni board of directors.
Be sure to mark your calendar for Alumni Weekend 2011 on June 24–26, 2011. I hope to see you there.
Ut prosim,
Joe Long, Director
Alumni Relations
Mark Bogacz photo.
Tags: Alumni Mentors Alumni Relations Alumni Weekend 2011 Joe Long