Hello fellow Plymouth Alumni!
In my role as PSUAA president, I have been involved with leading the organization and promoting advocacy for Plymouth State University. I have attended many meetings on your behalf, both on campus and at the State House in Concord. Vice President Scott Tierno has been working to implement the new action plan—we are in the first year of a three-year plan. Barry Ross, financial coordinator, has been reviewing our current affinity marketing programs, investigating new ones and creating an affinity marketing sponsorship packet. Scott Reynolds heads up an ad hoc committee to develop a PSUAA New Board Member Orientation Program.
In the Alumni Events Division, Jeannie Ackerman has been planning for the upcoming Alumni Weekend (June 24–26) and Homecoming (October 14–16). Her committees are also responsible for the new alumni travel program. Where were you on April 3—opening day for the Red Sox against the Yankees? Many alumni got together across the nation to celebrate the Red Sox and the spirit of Plymouth State.
The major work for Althea Goundrey in the Campus Division is the Dinner with 12 Strangers program, and the selection process for this year’s Alumni Scholarship recipients. She’s also leading the effort to establish naming criteria for the alumni scholarships.
In the External Relations Division, Joe White and the Office of Alumni Relations are looking at how class agents can be most effective within the association. The chapters are continuing to grow and offer numerous events—is there a chapter near you? If so, get involved! If not, how about getting a group together? The Media Advisory Committee has been reviewing alumni publications. Check out the new Web site, and our new portal called myPlymouth. Go to www.plymouth.edu/alumni to find out more.
The Recognition Division under the leadership of Stephanie Berry has been hard at work with Alumni Service Awards nominations, and planning the Robert Frost Contemporary American Award, which will be given at Alumni Weekend.
PSUAA coordinates events, activities and initiatives to keep alumni and their university connected, fosters and supports communication between PSUAA groups and the Board, and provides choices and guidance for activities. The 16 elected PSUAA officers are working diligently to fulfill these objectives. But it is volunteers from the alumni-at-large, as well as the wonderful staff in the Office of Alumni Relations, that make it all happen. I encourage you to stay involved with your alma mater through the PSUAA. Even if you can’t get involved as a volunteer right now, we still want your input. Please contact us at 1-800-772-2620 or alumni@plymouth.edu, and let us know what you think.
As I end my second year as PSUAA president, I am thrilled with the growth we have undertaken.
Ut Prosim
Dr. Eric C. Schwarz ’91
President, PSUAA