PSU student teachers in New Hampshire’s North Country are getting a critical financial boost from the Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation–North Country Region. The $42,000 grant provides stipends to student teachers in the North Country Teacher Certification Program.
The stipends help students bridge the economic gap that occurs when they leave their jobs to start full-time student teaching to the time when they reenter the workforce as certified teachers.
“As a comprehensive, regional University, Plymouth State University is committed to helping students in the North Country, and we’re pleased that the Foundation has recognized this important need,” said PSU President Sara Jayne Steen. “We’re grateful that the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation is providing significant funding for student teachers.”
The North Country Teacher Certification Program, directed by PSU instructor Irene Mosedale, was developed as a partnership between PSU, the New Hampshire Community and Technical College–Berlin, and Granite State College. The program awards bachelor’s degrees and teaching certification to place-bound students in New Hampshire’s North Country region in order to address two complementary needs: replacing retiring teachers in the region and offering certification to those who are unable to complete traditional degree requirements because of family or work considerations.
“We are very grateful for this award,” said Mosedale. “The $42,000 will help ease some of the financial burden for the North Country Teacher Certication candidates during their student teaching semester in the fall of 2007.”—Bruce Lyndes