The following letters are in response to a request from the editor to identify the women in the photo at right, originally published in the Fall 2006 issue of Plymouth Magazine.
Mary Lyon Memories
Our Plymouth Magazine just arrived today and we were very pleased with the article about Dana.
The picture on page 3 was in the 1970 Conning Tower in the Homecoming section. The two girls on the top are Susie Maddox (married name) ’72 and Marcia Clough Whiting ’72. The girl in the middle wearing white, with a pin, is Becky Mullen (married name) ’72. The one with the white top and black skirt towards the right is Daunie Clements [Hughes] ’71 or ’72. The girl in the striped top is Rita DiPaolo ’71. Others look familiar, but the names are escaping me!
I lived in Mary Lyon and loved every minute of being there. It was a wonderful dorm.
The girl who showed me to my room on my very first day at PSC was Julie Gabriel Engelman ’71, who still is one of my best friends. I lived in so many wonderful rooms at Mary Lyon. One favorite was at the front of the building on the first floor. … Another favorite was when Tau Omega sisters all had rooms on one wing of the third floor, the year before we got our house.
It’s hard to imagine in this day and age that as freshmen, we had to sign in and out on weeknights and weekends. The curfew was extended until 3 a.m. on Fridays and Saturdays. But, it was Plymouth, and where would we go until that hour of night?
All in all, my four years at PSC were fabulous and extremely memorable.—Lee Richman Nelson ’72
I love Mary Lyon and have many fond memories even though I only lived there one year (1967–1968). I started in the 100th graduating class (1971) but left to raise my family after I married early in 1969. I returned to school part-time after they were all in school and finally graduated in 1986. It was hard with three children, a dog and a husband and I was extremely proud.
I can identify two of the ladies in the picture on page 3 … Daunice Clement Hughes is now a math teacher at Plymouth Regional High School. Julie Gabriel [Engleman] … graduated in the class of 1971 and was one of my bridesmaids in early 1969!
I know so many of those mentioned in this issue of Plymouth Magazine. Dana Nelson was in the same fraternity as my husband and I remember him fondly. His brother and family still reside in Plymouth. His nephew and my youngest daughter went all the way through school together and continue to keep in touch. That was a wonderful article on him. I enjoyed it immensely.
I remember so many of the people for whom many of these buildings are named. Plymouth has done very well and Plymouth Magazine helps to promote just what a wonderful place it really is. Keep up the great work!—Barbara A. Noyes ’86
I saw the picture on page 3 in the recent alumni magazine and can help you with some of the names. In middle (white long sleeved top with necklace on) is Becky Mullen Chase. At the far right is Ann Boyle. Next to Ann (second from right) is Pat DiPaulo. Top row middle (dark vest and white blouse) is Sue Maddock Carlisle. To right of Sue (plaid vest) is Marcia Clough Whiting. I believe to the left of Sue (dark hair, flip) is Mary O’Leary Coltin. On left in middle (plaid suit) —I believe her name is Marty Whitney. Hope this helps. —Marcia Clough Whiting ’72
As a pledge to TKE and pledge class president in 1970, we were being harrassed by the brothers for not having been very creative in efforts to get back at them. In a late night meeting we decided that with 21 strong we might just be able to pull off a spectacle to put an end to the criticism. Off we went into the night to “borrow” two of [their] VW beetles. One of the cars was owned by Wayne Demers and my recollection is that the other was owned by Mike Martin. The cars were rolled down between Hall and Mary Lyon and pushed out on the lawn and up the front stairs. [We] picked up the cars one at a time and carried them up the steps of Mary Lyon and placed one on each side of the door. … Needless to say there were a number of stunned gals exiting the dorm to head to class that morning.
The picture on page three is of the Tau Omega girls. … Far to the right is Ann Boyle (now married to Jason Holder). I recognize the others, but [some of] the names escape me. A problem with being out of college for 34 years!
Another quickie: After the Kent State killing of the students for their protest of the Vietnam War, there was a major protest rally out on the back steps of ML. President Harold Hyde came out to speak to the students to try to calm things down. The protest did disband without major incident.
Living in Center Harbor I get to Plymouth on a regular basis and I am always amazed at how much the school has grown. —John Cook ’72
On many nights, I sat alone out front [of Mary Lyon], leaning on a pillar, listening to Rounds chime and wondering where life was going to take me. There was only one light on the hill beyond Main St. It still surprises me when I’m up there at night and see all the lights there are now.
We loved the spring when the lawn looked like a beach. Someone would put a speaker in a front window and we’d have music. The drinking age was 18, so we were all legal. We’d have a couple beers, listen to Boz Scaggs, Fleetwood Mac and Peter Frampton … and play frisbee.
When I graduated, I wrote a piece for the yearbook and it’s printed across a picture of Mary Lyon. I love that. My sons and I had our picture taken at the base of the stairway for a Plymouth Magazine story. (Spring 2005) I love that too.
I’ll always remember my days and nights in Mary Lyon: The first time I stayed out past midnight and I thought the Resident Director would be waiting for me, the times the fire alarm was pulled in the middle of the night and we’d all be out on the lawn in our Lanz nightgowns smoking cigarettes, the wine and cheese gatherings for Mary Lyon residents only, sneaking guys to the bathroom, everyone rushing back to the lounge to watch Ryan’s Hope, All My Children, One Life to Live and General Hospital, building the snow sculptures for Winter Carnival, having the bookstore in the basement, 174 coming at night with subs—over the intercom we’d hear “174 is now in the lobby”—always having your friends next door or across the hall.
Now that she’s coed, I don’t think those experiences could ever be the same. I just know I grew up there and I think about my days living there quite a bit. When the first snow comes, when the air smells like fall or spring, when I hear certain songs or get a birthday card from my roomie. I’d go back in a minute—but only for a minute.
I can’t wait to see her all spiffed up!—Karen Mitchell O’Shaughnessy ’80
A Correction and a Promotion
Greetings! Just wanted to send you an e-mail to advise that contrary to the Winter 2006 issue, my position with the Pirates has been different as of November 2005 … I am currently the major league rehabilitation coordinator and team physical therapist of the Pittsburgh Pirates baseball club, and not the assistant rehabilitation coordinator and athletic trainer for the rookie league team in Florida. —Erwin Benedict Valencia ’03G