Every ending is a new beginning, so the saying goes. As I contemplated what I was going to write in my first letter to you as the new editor of Plymouth Magazine, this saying kept springing to mind. It certainly is an apt theme for my first days and weeks at PSU.
As many of you know, Marcia Santore, editor of this publication for six years, recently left PSU to devote herself to her art. She has left behind an impressive body of work as both editor and writer, and some very big shoes to fill. The end of her tenure marks the beginning of mine, which I hope will be just as successful.
While I came to PSU toward the end of the spring semester, it was very much a beginning, not just for me, but also for the University.Within days of my arrival, I was privileged to witness an important event in PSU’s history: the investiture of its 14th president, Sara Jayne Steen. Weeks later, I attended both the graduate and undergraduate commencements, ceremonies honoring the completion of a degree and the start of an exciting chapter in the lives of PSU’s newest alumni.
I see this issue of Plymouth Magazine as a beginning, too: the beginning of what I hope will be a long and enjoyable relationship with you, our readers. I invite your comments and thoughts on any of the articles featured in this issue, as well as your ideas on what you would like to see in future issues.
Barbra Alan, Editor
Plymouth Magazine