Mike Spinelli Jr. ’68 doesn’t like to be the center of attention; he prefers to stay in the background, lauding the achievements of friends and colleagues and going about the business of making things happen. But a time comes when a modest man behind the scenes must be recognized for all the good he has done. That time came at a dinner in his honor in May, when Spinelli became the second recipient of the Richard E. Collins Medal for Distinguished Philanthropy.
The following morning, Spinelli cut the ribbon on the new Spinelli Center for University Archives and Special Collections at Plymouth State’s Lamson Library.
Outgoing President, Donald P. Wharton said, “Mike’s extraordinary loyalty and dedication to Plymouth State University are a fine example to us all, as are his integrity, modesty and vision.”
While his name is often associated with Spinelli Cinemas, Spinelli Companies, Inc. develops other commercial and industrial properties as well. He is also director of Spinelli Family Properties, of Boston, Mass. Most Spinelli Cinemas, such as the one on Main Street in Plymouth, are located in the heart of town, enhancing the downtown experience, and preserving historic buildings for their original use.
Spinelli said, “I had a great experience at Plymouth, and I’ve done well, so I feel responsible for ‘doing good’ by giving something back. Now that my daughter is attending PSU, I’m a parent as well as an alumnus … that’s twice as much motivation to give.”
The Collins Philanthropy Medal is named for Richard E. Collins of Alton, a longtime benefactor to PSU. Collins had a long and distinguished career in business and education in New Hampshire and Maine. —Betsy Cheney