Compiled by Jessica Rasmusson ’08,
Alumni Relations Communications Intern
Miriam French Vining just celebrated her 102nd birthday in the beginning of October. Many years ago she taught in Kingston, NH. She is one of PSU’s oldest living alumni.
Grace Thomas Guptill is still looking for news and received Christmas cards from Marion Kelley Merrill and Dot Pierce Main, also from Ethel Mack Lee ’35 who hopes to attend the 2007 Reunion Lunch, and Helen Hurd Day ’35 who is wintering in Florida as usual. Helen and Grace spent a pleasant afternoon in Jaffrey with Hester Small Ames and her husband at their lovely home. Grace’s oldest grandson has moved from California to Switzerland where he has a two-year contract as a computer administrator for three colleges. Another grandson is in Iraq.
Bea Jennings Salywon writes, “Here is everything that I could find out. Jane Vogel has recently moved to inland Florida (from Daytona Beach) to Ormond Beach in order to escape some of Florida’s ‘famous’ coastal weather, and she is very busy enjoying her lovely new home. Barbara Ritchie MacPhail has retired and is now busy with her cat and dog family. Sylvia Albany Turmelle is so lucky to be near her family and especially enjoys the company of her granddaughters in Colchester, VT. She is recovering nicely, however, from a fall. Ruthie Matthews O’Leary has been very busy recording some of her wonderful music for her family and also playing the piano for friends in retirement homes. She is getting ready to visit friends in Florida. Sibi Davis Rhodes and her husband continue daily walks near their new home in South Carolina. They have just returned from a trip to Virginia to visit their new great granddaughter. Zoe Head Swift and husband play bridge with neighbors and friends. Zoe continues to knit blankets for the hospital. Now, as for me, I spent Christmas in Las Vegas with my daughter and family. My son and family live in Phoenix, and he comes down on weekends whenever he can. I do plan to sell my home of 46 years and move to a nearby retirement home. Now I suppose I must also include the sad news.We have lost two of our friends during the past year; Louise Lancaster Lawrence died last January, and Helen Brown Pappas died in December. Helen and Barbara and I were all from Salem, NH. The year that Sibi and I were coming to Tucson to teach, Helen rode to Tucson with us. She stayed a few weeks and then returned home to be married. Sibi and I stayed to teach for one year. That’s all the news I’ve got; if you have anything new let me know!”
Drina Blanchette writes, “All seems to be fairly quiet on the ’46 front. I guess we’re all settling in doing what the 80’s group does—whatever that may be! Marion Warren is good at keeping us posted as to what is happening in her area. Ruth Bolduc had a fall and broke her hip.We hope all is better by now; time and patience for everything. Cynthia Harmon and I still go to water aerobics three times a week. Love the water! I understand Virginia Dearborn and Pauline Cole are also doing the aerobics. Elizabeth
Tennyson and husband, Dan, spent some part of February in Florida. Hope the change was a break for them. Talked to Virginia Hallisey and we’re trying to decide when and where our next reunion might be. Gigi is busy with her secretarial job with the state regarding our retirement fund. Barbara Patch sounded good, and says the therapy she received has helped her a lot. Good to know. Beverly Shaw is fine and keeping busy as usual with community work, as well as cat-sitting for her granddaughter. I talked to Pauline Clark and she is doing as well as can be expected. Since she lost her daughter she is alone in her big house, but has such great strength and attitude, you have to admire her. Pauline Merrill has moved to Center Conway. Hope things are well with her. I would like to hear from you all, time is flying right by! Enjoy!”
Peter Brown writes, “On August 10, 2006, Dorothy Kaffel hosted her annual potluck luncheon at her lake house in Moultonboro. We had a great turnout that included:
Harold and Barbara Matava ’50, Maybeth Oberti, Eileen Clark, Kay and Steve Tassey, Lionel DeLacey, Bev Jones, Bob Paine, Jean Dodge Salmarsh ’50, Claira Monier ’62, Kenneth Marshall (UNH ’51), Ruth Millar, Evelyn Westover Millar, Jackie Spear, Daisy Day, Angela Matthews (PSU staff), Darcy Homan (PSU staff), Martha and David Wade ’50, Keith Hanscom, and Barbara Nowacki.We were honored by a brief visit from the new President of PSU, Dr. Sara Jayne Steen; a gracious lady who is a welcome addition to our history. The buffet was outstanding and plentiful. Thanks to all for your generous contributions. Following lunch, we had a short meeting to get ideas for the next reunion, which is in 2007. We need to hear from all of our classmates with news about you and your ideas on the reunion. Honey Reardon still enjoys her
Concord, NH home where she’s lived many years and still keeps the blackberry bushes cut back. Yes, our kind of exercise. She and her sister have been longtime world travelers and both enjoyed visiting Ireland last April. Steve Tassey and wife Kay also have travel stories to tell. They returned from an extended New Zealand trip last year with favorable impressions of a healthy, generous and good looking citizenry there. Steve and Kay still live in their Shelburne, NH home near their former vegetable farm. Jean Baker Pollock’s husband, Joseph, passed away last year. Jean, however, feels fortunate to have a son and daughter near her home in Wilton, NH. She’s especially proud of her son, Joe Jr., a string musician who has been blind all his life. Unbelievably, he helps his mom at her home and in the summer keeps her swimming pool clean. Daisy Day, living in her old homestead in Chichester, NH, writes that she’s thinking of painting again; this while she’s presently making a braided rug, attending her exercise group at Planet Fitness, and taking a course in Islamic culture. Prior to passing on she wants to have the Arab world figured out. Barbara Larsen and husband live in Salem, NH. Her husband has had several heart concerns but she says he’s now ‘up to steam!’ Her three grandsons live in Salem and are a delight for her as well as her adult sons. Barbara keeps busy with church, bowling, and spending time at Myrtle Beach. She has had some contact with classmates Al and Marie who hope to attend our next gathering. Jean Kibbe has moved from her large home to a delightful condo in Simsbury, CT. She says she is working, walking, and sometimes running with her very young grandchildren. Jean is a real estate agent working for Prudential and is ‘available’ seven days a week. Her two sons are financial executives, one working in Manhattan, the other in Connecticut. She also attends church and spends a good deal of time with church work. Jean has traveled worldwide as well as in the U.S., and has been to Europe, New Zealand, Alaska, and so forth.”
Helenjane Hanson writes, “Ted and Cynthia ‘Cindy’ Houston recently returned from a 12-week drive across our northern border and up into Alaska. They met some
nice folks and saw some fabulous scenery. They visited Fairbanks, the Yukon, and Mt.McKinley and many other sights. They drove 13, 000 miles and are still talking to
each other; that’s what I call a successful trip! Your intrepid correspondent was also on the road this fall, as I journeyed down to West Harwich to visit with my son Sean
and I was wined and dined like a rock star. At first I had my doubts as he had me hiking out onto the dunes in Provincetown and I was sure I was going to die and he was going to dispose of my body in the sand (think Laurence of Arabia for landscape).While in Harwich, Sean and I visited with Sally Ayre Rossetti who among other classmates took a train ride that she wrote about separately. I was too tired to go, but Ted and Cindy Houston, Katherine “Kay” MacDonald, Paul and Joan Magoon, Hal and Priscilla Fernald ’54, Elissa Canninstrars Sullivan and husband Gene, and Ron MacDougall and Sally had a fun trip with lovely weather.” Sally Rossetti writes, “We decided in April to ride the Hobo train from Meredith to Livermore Falls in October and managed to have chosen the absolutely most beautiful fall day possible. The crew who organized this journey had us all in our own spot on the train right on time.We were 11, sharing the car with about 50 colorful ‘red-hatters,’ and our sturdy, serviceable coach was Winona. The luxuriously restored parlor car was tantalizingly situated directly in front of us.We could peer through the rear door of that coach, but otherwise that group was well protected from those of us riding in less than first class! It was truly fascinating, retracing a trip that most of us had taken for regular transportation in the years we were Plymouth undergraduates long ago. In Plymouth, we disembarked for lunch catered by the local senior center.Much to our amusement, during the meal a loudspeaker announcement was made informing us that someone had left dentures in the ladies room, and although we initially thought it a joke, we later found out it was not! Riding over the Pemigewasset River and then seeing Livermore Falls were exhilarating experiences for all of us. On the return trip home we came to a grinding halt as we discovered that a trailer loaded with wood chips for the energy producing plant in Alexandria had been unloaded, blocking the tracks! After numerous attempts at solving the problem, a cab appeared with a trailer attached and the trailer was disconnected and we were on our return trip about one hour behind schedule. Never mind, what a great day, thanks to organizers Paul and Ted we had lots to remember and one more great adventure to add to our Plymouth memory book.
Lorraine Avery Johnstone writes, “Plymouth High School Class of ’51 held its 55th reunion recently in Plymouth. Attending were Ellie (Eleanor) Stewart Volpe and Tom.They both were well and heading to Ireland. Bob Knowles and Peggy were unable to attend, but were also going to Ireland. Helen Potter Knowlton was also at the reunion and was looking well.While at the beach last summer, I was glad to spend time with Fran Purrington Paul. She and I visited Arlene Parent Welch. Recently I attended a retired teacher’s luncheon with Arlene. Also in attendance was Mary Ann Jewel LaCasse ’54. Arlene will travel to California for the winter, and Mary Ann to Florida. In a card from El and Alfa Bowers Bourey ’54 I learned that they had a wonderful time in Africa. I am writing here at Anna Marie Island on Tampa Bay.We try to spend two months here in the sun.”
Patricia Casweell writes, “Our 50th Reunion will be celebrated June 22–24, 2007 at PSU’s Alumni Weekend. You should have received the information in the mail. Let’s
make it a big turn out! The Class of 1957 Scholarship Award for 2006–2007 went to Samantha Bailey, who is majoring in Childhood Studies. Jody Buum Wilson and
husband Frank had a great time in Lafayette, LA in April enjoying the Cajun dancing, cooking, and music. On May 16, 2006, Annabelle and Dick Fagnant celebrated
their 50th Anniversary. Their children, Mark and Marie, and their families hosted a dinner party at Peyton Place in Orford, NH. Sheila Thompson Emery and her sister-in law went on a Caribbean Carnival Miracle Cruise during the summer, and she is ready to go again! Ken was back on top of Signal Peak looking for forest fires. Janet Carriel
Tibbetts is enjoying retirement.”
Jean Routhier O’Shea writes, “I was delighted to get an e-mail from Larry Presby who wants to attend our 50th class reunion in 2008! (That’s just around the corner, folks!) Larry taught English for 30 years in Long Island where he met his wife, a business education teacher. They have three children and five grandkids. Our annual
Christmas get-together with some of the ‘girls’ provided a good bit of news (thanks to Nina Savitch who plans the ‘party.’) Joining us in our first time was Lucille Demers
La Flamme who taught for many years at St. Anselm College and lived in Manchester. Also attending was Barbara Hayes Metivier from Greenfield, who is busy volunteering and enjoys providing an ongoing exercise class for seniors; she also sees Betty Stimson who traveled to Ireland with a choral group last year. Marge Thompson Newell from Marlow is well, but could not be with us as we hoped. Also unable to be with us was Shirley Solari Corrette. She and George were in Alaska visiting with their daughter and family. Also in Alaska last year was Dodie Merrill Greenwood who, we hear, walked on a glacier! Other “Alaskans” were Oscar Serard and Linda Cote Morrow, who made 11 trips to Maryland with her husband to visit their baby grandson. A surprise to moms Lois Kretschmar Lindh and Carol Willis Aldriche is the fact that their sons not only know one another but have been good friends for some time! Carol took a trip through the Canadian Rockies by rail and enjoyed an 8″ snowfall
while en route. She reports that Wayne Evans is a summer neighbor who has built a log cabin on Lake Armington in the Concord area.We hear that Jim and Carol Tierney Cornwell still live in California but have downsized and moved like so many of us. And finally, George Radcliffe is now a storyteller of note and is known to many as ‘Uncle Georgie.’ As my granddaughter Maggie would say, ‘that’s cool!’” David Ivester writes, “With the birth of three Ivester grandsons the past three years, my wife Elsie and I now have ten grandchildren.We continue to travel a lot especially to visit some of our children and grandchildren who live some distance from us. Other trips have included bike trips to Prince Edward Island, Acadia National Park in Maine, Normandy, and France; hiking in Zermatt, Switzerland around the Matterhorn, skiing in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany and visiting the cities of Budapest, Prague, Munich, Innsbruck and Paris. For twelve years I did assist my wife in caring for her elderly father who had a severe health condition. Also, the past two years I have been participating in volunteer work at the church that I attend. I have fond memories of being a member of the first tennis team at PSU, and I continue to compete in tennis in both the U.S. Tennis Association sanctioned tournaments here in NE and the Senior Olympics. Win or lose I have a lot of fun and have made many friends. One competes in their age group and gets ranked accordingly. 2004 was a great year as I was the men’s singles winner in the Senior Olympics in New Hampshire, Maine, and Hawaii. Competing in Hawaii was obviously exciting, and one of the competitors was a retired naval officer who organized a tournament at Pearl Harbor.We did have to pass through tight security but the facilities were magnificent. I also had a win in the summer of 2004 at the USTA National Grass Court Tournament at the Philadelphia Cricket Club in Pennsylvania. Because of my record in 2004, in 2005 I found myself with a national ranking in the men’s singles in the top 100 and had the honor of being the top seeded player in the country at the National Senior Olympics in Pittsburgh. One qualifies to compete in the Nationals by winning the gold medal in their respective age group in any of the states. It is exciting not only to compete in the Senior Olympics, but to watch the other events take place.”
Kathy Anderson Nelson writes, “A wonderful time was had by members of the Class of 1961 who attended our 45th reunion. Among the activities we enjoyed were Pub Night at the Common Man, the BBQ and Carnival, visiting the Meteorology Department and seeing a weather balloon launched, visiting the library and the archives, and the football game that we won by one point. A delicious buffet dinner was enjoyed at the Country Cow Restaurant on Saturday evening. Those who attended include Debbie Sargent and Thain Allan, Gail Walsh Barker, Bill Brown, Barbara and Jack Cavanaugh, Bunny Buczynski Clark, Bette Tirrell DeRocher, Claudette Pare Fucci, Judy Freese and John Ludgate, Wayne Mercer, Marilyn Currie Mons, Kay Stratton and John Morris, Shirley Farnham and Ray Mullaly, Kathy Anderson Nelson, Ed O’Sullivan and his daughter Megan O’Sullivan Todd ’84 and Gene Stearns ’62, Claire Gauthier Wallace, Donna and Doug Wiseman, and Sheila Young. We hope all classmates will begin thinking about our 50th reunion in 2011 as we would love to have a much larger turnout! If anyone has an interest in working on our Class Gift to be presented at our 50th, please contact Bobbi Stearns through the Alumni Office. Judy Freese Ludgate and Bunny Buczynski Clark have graciously agreed to become our new class co-agents. Please trust and support them. Send them lots of information about yourselves and classmates. Their email addresses are: jjludgate@ and”
William Andrews is employed in sales as a marketing manager at Johnson Precision, Inc. Maxeine Hayes is retired and has recently moved from Texas to Florida. Claira Monier, who was appointed in 1988 as the Executive Director of New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority, has announced that she will be retiring from her position later this year. Chairman David Haney of Bow, NH, spoke on behalf of the full Board of Directors when he stated, “We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Claira Monier for her long-term dedication to this organization and, more importantly, to its mission of providing housing opportunities to low and moderate income families and seniors throughout New Hampshire.” Steve Beaupre has retired from his work in the schools, fire department, and church. He volunteers with Heifer International and enjoys farming, studying Canada, and traveling.
John Ricker is retiring in three months from Dynamics Research Corp. Monica Mooney Shattuck is retired. Bob Koson is retired and has moved to Tennessee.
Our class wishes to thank Darcy Homan and the staff at the Alumni Office, for all their extra efforts to make our 40th reunion special.We all appreciate everything you did. Our reunion committee wishes to thank our classmates for their support, ideas, and interest in the reunion. All those who could come enjoyed themselves and have great memories to last until the next reunion! Many of us had other scheduled plans, family needs and /or health reasons to keep us away (in body not spirit.) I wish to thank the committee for all their hard work and super efforts. Our conference calls were energizing and full of laughter. A reminder of our times at PSC and how well we worked as classmates! Please stay in touch with members of the committee and classmates.We hope classmates can get together again in June. Please mark your calendar for June 22–24, 2007.We can again renew friendships of our class as well as friends from 1967 and 1968. This sounds like a wonderful idea and I am sure those of us who could not attend last June will want to come this year. Your class agent, Gail Heffernan White
Kerry Dunne Grenier retired in June 2005 from teaching for 25 years at Walpole Middle School.
Natalie Motowylak Dobrowolski has just recently retired from the Manchester Public Schools as a first grade teacher. Harry Brinser likes retirement after 33 years. Dayton Goudie is retired and is enjoying it. Marna Lapointe Ingerson is retired from the White Mountain Regional School as a kindergarten teacher.
Linda Grimard Dutille is recently retired from 33 years of teaching at the Union Sanborn Elementary School. Carolyn Mayberger McGee married Bruce Bean a week after graduation from PSC and both taught in the White Mt. School District for a little over a year. They then moved to upstate NY and taught in Plattsburgh and Peru (NY) until 1981. Later, Carolyn moved back to Portsmouth, NH, earned the first Programmers Certificate from New Hampshire College, and was a trainer for the New England
rep. firm for Apple Computer. She attended the national rollout of the Apple Macintosh in Hawaii, met Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, a “relative unknown” at that time, who was bringing Visicalc to the Apple format. Moving from Apple to Hewlett-Packard, also as a trainer, she became a licensed real estate agent, thinking it would be a good “retirement” interest. However, once involved in it, she knew she had “found her niche!” Several years later, she was offered a partnership in a local firm, and a year later she and her partner became the first exclusive buyer agency in the area, and only the second in the state! After her partner’s retirement, she is the sole broker-owner. On the personal side, after returning to NH, she met the “love of her life” KenMcGee, area native, pipe fitter, and fisherman. She helped raise one of his three children and now they are grandparents to 10…something she loves! Her memories of PSC are mostly music related, with a pageant or two as well. After winning an opera competition, she sang at the National Theater in Ottawa, Canada, in 1971. Over the years, she has sung in several choirs, but would love to have the time to do more; maybe in retirement,
if she can figure out when and how to do that! She is loving life and is thankful for all the positive experiences that Plymouth gave her. Barbara Stetson Edwards and Don
Edwards ’68 live in Moultonborough, NH. Barbara is a special education instructor at Gilford High School and Don retired in 2002 after 34 years of teaching; however he continues to teach physics part-time at NHCTC in Nashua. Pat Butler Lieberman and her husband Larry currently live in New Milford, CT. They have two children:Matt, 19, and Caryn, 17. She retired in 2004 after 35 years of teaching in Brookfield, CT.
Louise Hervey Wood is teaching in South Portland, Maine, where she is also coaching field hockey and lacrosse. Nancy Malone has just retired from teaching second grade
at Alton Central School and loves her first fall off. Sandra Griffn has retired after 29 years of teaching first grade. She is working a few hours a week in a women’s gym saying “it’s great fun and I get to stay in shape!”
Bernie McCarthy is the director of the Community and Social Issues Institute, and a visiting professor of criminology at Missouri State University.
David Dube is enjoying his new life of retirement.
Debra Bunker Holmes has been the accounts receivable supervisor for Sanel Auto Parts for 20 years. She is very busy with driving her daughter Kristen to dance practice
and competitions. Also, she has two grandchildren, Tyler and Rhiannon, her oldest daughter Heather’s children. Diane Merrill Pomeroy is the reverend pastor at the Community Baptist Church in Warrenville, IL.
Regina White Dube is retired from Nashua School District as a physical education teacher at the elementary level. Ronald Blankenstein is employed by Granite State College as special assistant to the president. Peter Cofran writes, “The New Hampshire Union Leader and Sunday News hosted their annual Parade of Champions dinner on Sunday, January 28, where Plymouth State alumni were well represented. Jim Lincoln ’70 and Bob Skinner ’69 were both recognized with the John R. Clark Officials award while Al Blakeley ’64, Dave Anderson ’67, and Judy Farr ’68 were recognized with the Walter A. Smith Coaches award. In addition, Chuck Lenahan ’70 was recognized as the Football Coach of the Year.”
Bette Peterman Frazier has retired from teaching elementary school after 25 years teaching physical education in the Wolfeboro area. Last year her students raised over
$19,000 for the American Heart Association for “Jump Rope for the Heart.” She plans to Hike the Appalachian Trail starting April 1, 2007. If you want to join her, please e-mail her at Cathy (Wendel) Ahrens is the application analyst at Concord Hospital in Concord, NH.
William Bunker has left the Know Fat Franchise Company where he was director of training and operations, and has joined Dale and Thomas Popcorn as district manager
for Northeast Florida and Michigan. In his present position he has authored the management training program and key operational tools, and coaches franchisees. Bill celebrates his thirtieth year in the food industry and has worked for some of the industry leaders in a variety of middle management positions in both operations and training. Bill lives in Barnstead, NH with his wife Jana and three daughters Haley, Erin, and Emalee.
Gurio Vincenti writes, “I’m interested in contacting any ex-Peace Corps volunteer and learning from their experiences; also would be interested to find out if there are any alumni who were members of the U.S. Navy UDT/Seal team at any time, or recent students who are considering that career. Go Panthers!”
Meg Pickett Hendy coaches at Hilton Head Island High School and enjoys that compared to the pace of umpiring every other day. Also, she is umpiring the University of South Carolina versus Tennessee, where lacrosse is taking off. David Fouhy is employed as the senior contract negotiator for First Health in Norwood, MA.
David King of Colebrook, NH was named probate court administrative judge. After more than 16 years of being a Coos County probate judge, David will be handling wills,
estates, trusts, guardianships of adults, and involuntary commitments statewide. Michelle McEwen is employed as president and chief executive officer of Speare Memorial Hospital and has become a Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE), which has been called the nation’s leading professional society for healthcare leaders. Michelle is chair of the board of directors of the Foundation for Healthy Communities and she serves on the board of directors of the New Hampshire Hospital Association, the Plymouth Regional Clinic, and the New England Healthcare Quality Foundation, and is former president of the Northern New England Association of Healthcare Executives. She is currently pursuing her master of science degree in Management at New England College.
Helen Nault is now employed as a real estate agent. John Nault is now employed at Covergence, but is still the director of Northeast. Sheryl Giddings Tardie is employed
at Quinsigamond Community College as a human resources administrator. Patti Donnelly Sullivan is employed as the computer technology educator at Armand R. DuPont School in Allenstown, NH. Leanne Ogden currently works as a substitute teacher at Fort Knox Schools.
James Haslam is employed in SVP Systems Management at MMC.
Julianne Denney Maloney has been teaching third grade in Washington Crossing, PA, for 11 years. Her children are 15 and 17 years old and are keeping busy. Also, she has been serving as the event/party planner for the Local, County, and State Democratic Committee, which is so much fun for her. Recently Julianne was elected to a four year position as Treasurer of the Bucks County Democratic Committee. Kathy Berger was mentioned in New Hampshire Magazine for her association with a glass-blowing business. Kathy handles the business end of the hand-blown products hand-painted by two New York moms. They make ornaments, glasses, and various stemware with colorful designs, and their products are in more than 200 stores nationwide, 20 of them in New Hampshire.
Maureen Regan has been employed as an analyst at Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Massachusetts, for two years.
James Birge has been hired to serve as executive vice president at Wheeling Jesuit University. Birge will be responsible for half the operations of the University, with the academic departments, Appalachian Institute, athletics, campus ministry, mission identity, and student life reporting to him. “I am very excited about working with the other administrators, faculty, staff, and students who give Wheeling Jesuit University its distinction as a Jesuit University. I am grateful to Father Hacala, the Board, and the selection committee for their confidence in me and I look forward to working at Wheeling Jesuit with great anticipation,” said Birge, who will begin his official duties
on July 1.
Scott Evans is a research scientist at the Harvard School of Public Health. The AIDs Clinical Trials Group awarded Scott with the 2006 “Robert Zackin Distinguished Collaborative Statistician Award.” The award is presented by the ACTG on an annual basis to a statistician, epidemiologist or other quantitative investigator who has made significant contributions to the advancement of knowledge about HIV infection and its complications in ACTG-sponsored research. The award is made in honor of Dr. Robert Zackin, an SDAC statistician who died in his early forties having made significant contributions to ACTG-sponsored research as an outstanding statistical collaborator on protocol teams and in leadership positions in the Complications of HIV Research Agenda Committee and its working groups. The award was presented during the ACTG Meeting held at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel, Baltimore, MD, December 4–7.
Mary Beth Hanson Hertel is the co-owner of Northern Exposure Real Estate Inc. in Ossipee and Durham, NH. She is living with her husband, Fred, and her three grown step-children. Barbara Stout is employed by Auger Realty as a realtor and residential and vacation home specialist in Waterville Valley.
Kerri Mather Cotter is now employed as a comedian and is enjoying it. Joe McCool has completed a master’s degree in Organizational Leadership from Gonzaga University— a leading Jesuit institution in Spokane, Washington—and has also recently agreed to a publishing contract with Davies-Black, the publishing arm of the company that owns and distributes the Myers-Briggs test. McCool’s first book will focus on the global business of executive recruitment and its eventual release was recently highlighted in a Business Week podcast on “Executive Headhunters.”
Rev. Eric Lovejoy is now at the Chi Alpha Campus Ministry as chaplain at Plymouth State University. Christopher Hudon has gone back to Salem State College to get his
Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies in Educational Leadership. He will be certified to be a principal in the spring of 2008 and will continue to get his PhD in the fall.
Chris Guyotte is employed by Wakefield School as the Middle Upper School theatre teacher. Patricia Veaudry is employed with Cersosimo Industries in Brattleboro, VT as an accountant. She has six children between herself and her husband Jason, and is a member of the Brattleboro American Legion Band. Joanne Cayer Guthrie is employed by NTP Software as the director of sales.
Richard Brenner is employed as the general manager of the New Hampshire Fisher Cats Stadium inManchester. Kimberly Cyr is working in Concord as a community liaison for the Concord Regional Visiting Nurses Association. She has a fifteen-month-old son and lives with her husband in New Boston.
Suzanne Dunson Fitzgerald writes that she has made the decision to leave Ayco, Goldman Sachs, after almost 10 years of service and working her way up to vice president of financial counseling and is planning on pursuing a new career opportunity. She is currently in the transition stage and will be starting a new and exciting career challenge in the next month or so.
John Blake, who is a PE teacher and coach at Duxbury Middle School (MA) led Duxbury High School to win the Division I State Hockey Championship on March 18, their second win in the past three years.
Laura Jones McGonigle is employed by Superior Engineering, Inc. and has four children; Lauren (9), Anna Kelly (7), Nolan (6), and Tynan (4).
Christopher Hatem is now employed as a senior workstation specialist at Lahey Clinic Hospital. Sunshine Fisk is employed by Riverbend Community Mental Health.
Jennifer Drake Dempsey received her MEd from Chaminade University and earned her teaching license for K–6 and Montessori ages 6–9. She is currently teaching environmental education at Montessori School of Maui. Sarah Mello-Trudel writes, “It has been a while so I decided to update everyone on where I am and what I am doing. I live on Martha’s Vineyard which is no surprise to those of you who know me well. I was married to Jeff Trudel in September of 2001. We have one son, Taylor, born in August of 2002. Taylor is now 4 years old and enjoys horses (surprise anyone?) tractors, buses, and trucks.We were fortunate to purchase a home in Oak Bluffs in June of 2005. I am working as the education and interpretation coordinator for a Massachusetts non-profit land preservation organization called the Trustees of Reservations. I have been honored to stay in touch with Amanda Murphy, Dean Turner, and Chris Peruzzi, but often wonder about many of my other Boyd Hall buddies. We all felt holed up in that building on many occasions…but it was worth it! I would love to hear from many of you out there and thanks to Alumni Relations for providing us with a way to get back in touch. Good luck to everyone and thanks for all the memories!” Shannon Bristol Romanowski is a day care provider with Shannon’s Home Day Care center.
Matthew Berky is the owner of Massive Productions and is an award-winning and accomplished recording/production engineer experienced in working with voiceover artists, vocalists, and musicians. His compositions can be heard in television commercials, films, documentaries, medical animations and more. His production company recently won Best Overall Sound for a non-broadcast video in the 28th Annual Telly Awards for a piece produced for Novartis Pharmaceuticals. Matthew continues to compose and perform throughout New England.
Michael Berry is now the manager at CVS. Retha Fielding writes, “George Fielding’s daughter had a son in September, Jack Fielding Cushman. The daughter in Switzerland
is pregnant and due in August.” Michael Fabian lives in Branford, CT and is currently employed by Unilever, HPC USA as a MDC specialist in Trumbull, CT and is a master data center analyst for HPC. Michael will be attending the University of New Haven in the fall of 2007 for his master’s in business.
Megan O’Connor is now the assistant director of athletic communications at Hobart & William Smith Colleges in New York. Amy Harrington is now the director of citizen services for the office of Governor John Lynch. Stefanie Phillips was recently named editor of The Record Enterprise newspaper in Plymouth. Stefanie joined the paper in the beginning of December after a semester at Northeastern University in Boston, where she is pursuing a master’s degree in communications. She was the Newfound reporter for the Record between March 2005 and 2006 and went on to the Salmon Press Meredith office as a reporter for the Winnisquam Echo and Gilford Steamer.Warren Clifford is employed by Moultonborough Academy as a computer network technician.
Katherine Robinson is delighted to be making her DE debut with New Candlelight Theatre. She recently appeared as Margaret in the Walnut Street Theatre’s production of the new historical work, In Sun and Snow. Elizabeth Hutchins is employed as the human resources coordinator for Cranmore Mountain Resort. Francis Page recently did a show at the Portland Players where he played the Cowardly Lion in The Wizard of Oz. Yvette Trapani has graduated from King’s College and is now in Washington, DC working at a consulting firm called Touchstone Strategic Consulting, a small company owned by the much larger SRA International that is an IT corporation. Yvette has recently joined a team that is contracted out to the Department of Homeland Security called the OIC (Office for Interoperability and Compatibility) team, a subgroup in DHS that is also called SAFECOM. The mission of this office is to develop both a technical system and a “human bridge” between all the emergency services at the local, state, and national level, with the objective “to have everyone on the same page, so to speak,” she says. Currently, Yvette is working on solicitations to get companies and
academics to do research and development.
Bethany Tower is employed in the social work field at the Manchester Mental Health Center in Manchester, NH. Christopher Gloninger is employed as a meteorologist for News 10 on NBC. Gregory Clark has recently finished his first job out of college working as a staff accountant for Albany Broadcasting in Latham, NY where he was employed from July 2006 to the present. He is currently remaining onboard part time to train incoming accountants; however he has received a great offer from C.R. Bard for a financial analyst position. Gregory will also be pursuing his master’s degree in the next year or so. James Wilson is employed by the Turner Broadcasting Network, Cartoon Network as account service representative.