Plymouth State University has tapped Stephen P. Barba to head its University Relations efforts. Barba took over as executive director of University Relations at the end of March 2006.
Barba oversees PSU’s government, community and public relations efforts, serving as spokesperson and ambassador to the University’s various external constituencies. Barba will also facilitate PSU’s communications with cities and towns in New Hampshire, and will work closely with Tim Keefe, the University liaison to the host communities of Plymouth and Holderness.
“Plymouth State University is doing great work. I am proud to join an institution that sets high expectations for its faculty, staff and students,” said Barba. “PSU has a rich history and I hope to play a role in its future, which looks very bright.”
Barba became co-manager of the Balsams Grand Resort Hotel in Dixville Notch over 30 years ago, and spent 25 years as president and managing partner of the famous resort. He serves on numerous boards of directors as well as on the Governor’s Job Corps Center Task Force. In 2003, he was named New Hampshire Business Leader of the Year and received Lifetime Achievement Awards from the Business and Industry Association of New Hampshire and the New Hampshire Travel Council in 2001. Highly involved in the governmental process, Barba sat on the Governor’s Commission on the 21st Century, the Governor’s Blue Ribbon Commission on Education Funding and the Governor’s Task Force on Travel and Tourism. —Tammy Boucher