Why Choose When You Can Create?
Crediting PSU’s learning environment and community spirit, Bennett says,
Kayleigh Bennett was ready to fly her small-town coop of Meredith, NH and follow her dreams to the big city in pursuit of her education. She enrolled in the Massachusetts College of Art and Design in Boston, because she was determined to become an artist with an eye for business. But, like any great story, Bennett’s included an early plot twist. Disappointed with the direction of her program and feeling somewhat marginalized, Bennett transferred to PSU in the spring of 2015, her sophomore year, after learning about the possibility of creating her own major.
Now a rising senior, Bennett is set to graduate in 2018 from Plymouth’s Interdisciplinary Studies Program with a focus in marketing and creative services. Bennett counts her decision to transfer as one of the best she’s ever made. What Bennett lacked early in her collegiate adventure, she found in spades at Plymouth State. “As a transfer student, I quickly became part of the community,” says Bennett. “People at PSU take time to know the students and make it easy to ‘find a home.’”
Home indeed. Bennett is a community advisor, orientation leader, member of the Interdisciplinary Studies honor society, and was recently tapped to serve as PSU’s student representative to the University System of New Hampshire Board of Trustees.
Tags: Class of 2018 interdisciplinary Kayleigh Bennett '18 Meredith Student Spotlight transfer student