Instructor Name Email Phone Number Course Name Exhibition - Select -Emerging: Annual PSU Student Juried Art ExhibitionPlymouth State Date Time Do you have goals for your student experience? - Select -General visual art appreciation experienceAn exploration of the exhibition’s topic in particularSpecific topic that relates to my class/courseOther What kind of experience would you like? - Select -Instructor directed: I will plan the experience and lead my students through the exhibitionI would like MWM staff to provide a brief intro to the exhibition, then I will take it from thereMy students will explore, and then we will discuss together in the gallery spaceMy students will investigate the exhibition using an MWM provided worksheetMy students will view the exhibition, then discuss, and make art downstairs in the classroom space. (ask MWM about materials and assistance) Please send me - Select -No materials neededExhibition background and educational materialsSample lesson plan or activities suggestionsWorksheets for this exhibition This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.