Tamar: A White Mountain Innkeeper During the Civil War

Online Only

Presented as part of the Museum’s Mountain Voices series. To register for this FREE Zoom presentation, please email Rebecca Enman at rrenman@plymouth.edu 

Among the quieter White Mountain Voices are those of working women. During the US Civil War, Tamar M. C. Sinclair (1828 – 1872) kept a busy staging inn in Bethlehem NH. Her husband was frequently away, busy with business and political interests. She ran the inn, raised three children, hiked up Mt. Washington and kept a diary. Thanks to her diary, Tamar’s voice still speaks to us from over 150 years ago. 

Rebecca Weeks Sherrill More, Ph.D., holds an appointment as Visiting Scholar in the department of History at Brown University, Providence RI. Dr. More’s publications include “The Settlement Maps of Early Lancaster New Hampshire: from Colonial Plantation to Republican Township” in Beyond the Notches: Stories of Place in New Hampshire’s North Country (2011) and various articles on New Hampshire history. She continues active research on the social, economic and cultural history of Early Modern England. Her writing and lectures include colonial and 19th c. New Hampshire history, the White Mountain National Forest and the 1911 Weeks Act. 

Free and open to the public.
