The Emerging LiDAR Landscape: Clearcutting with Lasers

Online Only

Presented live via Zoom with time for Q&A. Pre-registration is required.

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The presentation will provide an introduction to LiDAR technology and how it works, provide numerous examples of applications with plenty of examples of LiDAR images and an emphasis on glacial landforms, and conclude with a segment on stone walls as landforms, their place in NH history, and the NH Stone Wall Mapping project. 

Rick Chormann is the retired State Geologist and Director of the New Hampshire Geological Survey. Prior to his appointment in 2011, he was a senior hydrogeologist with the NH Department of Environmental Services, principally involved with water resources assessment and water quantity issues since 1984. He has been a promoter and user of GIS in water resources management throughout his career. Rick is a true believer in the potential of LiDAR to revolutionize geologic mapping and digital terrain analysis. Rick received a B.S. in Geology from Hamilton College (1976) and a M.S. in Geology from University of New Hampshire (1985). 

Presented as part of the Museum’s summer exhibition: Wayfinding: Maps of the White Mountains. The Virtual Summer 2021 Speaker Series was made possible with support from New Hampshire Humanities, in partnership with the National Endowment for the Humanities. Learn more at 
