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“We go outside to become connected. We run, swim, and ride. We paddle, climb, hike, and ski. When we engage with our full selves in the mountains, when our bodies are active, our attention focused and present—and perhaps with a little luck—we break through the barriers that separate us from what is wild.”

But what is it we are connecting to? The textured surface of the handhold beneath our fingertips. The weight of the ledge beneath our boots. The pitch of the snow slope we roll onto as our skis pick up speed. These points of contact reach into the stories the mountains hold themselves: stories of how the schists, gneisses, and granites came to be; stories of mountain uplift and mountain erosion; stories of a glaciated past and of a future heading toward warming.

The fundamental Earth processes that have shaped these mountains we love have also shaped us, through our experiences and our adventures. This is our shared geology, a science embedded both in our landscapes and our spirits.

Mt. Washington, Mt. Adams, and Mt. Madison, Composite of 934 digital images, Jim Surette, photographer