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Shorey and the Appalachian Mountain Club

A subject of special significance to Shorey was mountain tramping – the usual term of the time for hiking. The scenery and the camaraderie both appealed immensely to him. He was active in the Appalachian Mountain Club, joining their excursions and volunteering for tasks in the field, and eventually becoming a Life Member of the Club. Among his photographs are several of the Club’s Madison Spring Hut, which was first established in 1888 and which grew over the years to serve an ever-increasing demand for high mountain accommodations. The Club’s Lakes of the Clouds and Carter Notch Huts, and its base camp at Pinkham Notch, also were recorded by him. Certainly it was not these humble hostels themselves, but the shared adventures there and their compelling surroundings that kindled such warmth for them in him and in countless others.

Indeed, that same warmth and spirit lives on, on the trails and in the modest lodging-places which can still be found throughout the White Mountains.