New Hampshire Now: A Photographic Diary of Life in the Granite State


Opening Reception: Friday, October 1, 5-6:30pm

NH NOW is a two-year project to photographically record life in New Hampshire. Nearly 50 photographers traveled throughout the state between 2018 and 2020, making thousands of images that collectively create a twenty-first-century portrait of the people, places, culture, and events in New Hampshire.

MWM is one of eight sites across NH presenting this exhibition simultaneously. 
Visit the NH Now website

With more than 55 accomplished photographers involved, New Hampshire Artist Laur.eate Gary Samson curated the project, selecting from the over 10,000 photographs submitted, depicting all aspects of the state and contemporary life here –the natural environment, built environment, unfolding events, and people going about their daily lives.

Though most sites will feature a majority of images taken about their specific region in the state, MWM, as a college site, will incorporate several of today’s challenging themes such as Black Lives Matter, COVID, homelessness, and politics.

Organizing Partners

  • NH Historical Society, Bill Dunlap
  • Photographer, Gary Sampson
  • NH Society of Photographic Artists

Partnering Sites

  • New Hampshire Historical Society
  • Manchester Historical Society
  • Museum of the White Mountains (PSU)
  • Historical Society of Cheshire County
  • Portsmouth Historical Society
  • Colby Sawyer College
  • Tillotson Center
  • Belknap Mill Society
New Hampshire Now: A Photographic Diary of Life in the Granite State