Group of girls outside dance center

Student Spotlight: Ashley Marsh ’18

Why Plymouth State?

I really wasn’t sure what I wanted to do after high school so I went to community college and then wanted to transfer. I picked Plymouth State because I really loved the community and area. Despite it being in a smaller town, Plymouth State had so much offer students.

Smiling girl

What is the best opportunity that Plymouth has given you? 

Being able to go out and explore! With the Interdisciplinary Studies (IS) major I was really able to use any and all available resources and create and explore something I was passionate about. I think it is so awesome that Plymouth offers that for students. There was freedom and structure, which gave me endless opportunities.

Girl in front of rainbow painted rocks

What keeps you busy outside of classes?

Besides homework, I am busy with teaching dance, coaching CrossFit, and working at the movie theatre in Gilford. And on top of all that I am involved with the Miss New Hampshire Scholarship Program, so I spend a lot of weekends volunteering at events! This program has also helped me pay for my education as I have won just under $10,000 in scholarships. I may be really busy but have a system down to make sure I get everything I need to get done on time and still do very well in school.

Girls at Miss New Hampshire event

What advice would you give future students?

Put your everything into everything you do, from school to personal life. Also get involved. I wish I had got more involved with more clubs, etc., here at Plymouth State. Really take in everything you can to make your college experience the best you can possibly make it.

What is your plan after graduation?

I plan to attend graduate school for a master’s in athletic counseling. I also hope to travel and explore the US more. After that, only time will tell but I am so excited to see where I go in life!

Ashley Marsh ’18 is a senior at Plymouth State from Laconia, New Hampshire. She is an Interdisciplinary Studies major. When Ashley isn’t volunteering you can find her dancing or lifting at a local CrossFit gym.