Erik Armskog Playing Soccer for Plymouth State

Student Spotlight: Erik Armskog ’21

Name: Erik Armskog
Major: Marketing
City/Country: Gothenburg, Sweden
Class year: 2021
Sport: Soccer

Why Plymouth State?
PSU offers me everything that I want: a good education, stunning outdoors, sports, and amazing people. When I decided to move to the States for college I wanted to find a school that offered me a combination of those things and by attending PSU I get to experience that every day.

What is the best opportunity that Plymouth has given you?
The best opportunity that I have found at Plymouth State is definitely the professional sales program. I got introduced to the program last fall by some of my teammates and I was fortunate to become a part of the program in the spring of my first year. The professional sales program at PSU gave me the opportunity to attend networking events with several big companies, which I think is very beneficial. The sales program also gave me the opportunity to get real hands on experience by participating in collegiate sales competitions.

What keeps you busy outside of classes and soccer?
Some guys from the soccer team and I were playing intramural sports last year when we weren’t in season. We had a great time playing both volleyball and floor hockey, and we actually won the floor hockey tournament!

What have you learned to love at Plymouth State?
I have learned to love living in a smaller town. Living in such a small town as Plymouth is something new to me, but I enjoy living up here and I think that the people I’m surrounded by is what makes it great. I also love the environment and how we have the White Mountains as our backyard.

What advice would you give future students?
It can sometimes be hard to be away from home when you’re an international student, but I haven’t been homesick once since I started at PSU. Everyone here makes it feel like a second home. If you’re looking for a school where you’ll get a good education, great experiences, and a place that will be like your second home, I would definitely recommend Plymouth State University.

What is your plan after graduation?
I’m looking to pursue a career within either sales or marketing and my plans after graduation are to stay and work in the U.S. for at least one year, hopefully even more than that!

What’s the biggest surprise you found when you arrived at Plymouth State or the United States?
There were two things that really surprised me. The first one was how extremely kind everyone is. Just the fact that everyone says “Bless you” after sneezing, even if you don’t know the person, is a great example of how nice everyone is here. That would never happen in Sweden (even if we’re nice people). The other thing that surprised me was the many people who confuse Sweden with Switzerland. Even when Spotify (a Swedish company) got launched on the stock market, they hung up a Swiss flag on Wall Street.