Plymouth State Survival Guide

Want some insider information on how to be a successful student at Plymouth State University? I have compiled five helpful tips on how to make the most of your time in college and be the most successful.


College can be a stressful place if you don’t know how to handle the work. Whether you are hiking up a mountain, or sitting by the river looking at the trees surrounding the water, the outdoors are a great way to relax and take away the stress from classes. Sometimes going for a hike with friends or a walk by the river can be a great way to unwind and take a break from all the schoolwork. Being in the White Mountains gives us an opportunity to explore and adventure to a lot of unique spots. Snow is on its way, so be sure to check out the gear at The Outdoor Center to stay warm and safe on the mountain.

PRO TIP: Check out some of my favorite spots in the local area; Rattlesnake Mountain, Rainbow Falls, Waterville Valley Resort, and Pemi River.

Stay Active

Plymouth State gives you multiple options as to how you can stay active. If working out is your thing, the Hartman Union Building (HUB) has a Fitness Center that’s free for all students. The Center has treadmills, lifting machines, weights, and offers a variety of classes throughout the year. The upstairs Courtroom in the HUB has a basketball court and more cardio equipment that is also free for students. 

If indoor fitness isn’t your thing, you can also checkout the Outdoor Center across the bridge for free rental equipment. You have the option to rent anything from rock/ice climbing gear, to camping equipment, to kayaks and canoes. 

There are also several clubs to get involved with if you want to meet people who do the same activities as you. For example, the snowboarding club stays active in the winter and hammocking club is stays active in the fall and spring. There are many clubs in between; Improv, Greek Life, Model United Nations,and Paintball to name a few—there really is something for everyone! 

PRO TIP: If there isn’t a club that you’re interested in, you can start your own! Check out all the clubs here.


Getting a job while in school can really help you make some extra money and stay busy. Be sure to give yourself enough hours to sustain your spending habits while also making time for schoolwork. I recommend getting an on-campus job. The University offers a variety of work options so you should be able to find something that suits you. 

PRO TIP: Find something that relates to your degree! I currently work in the Communications and Marketing office in Speare. As a business major, I get to work on tasks I’ll be performing post graduation and can add to my resume. 


Some students might find it hard to balance school with social life but it’s good to remember that you came to Plymouth State to learn. It might be more enticing to procrastinate homework because you have something better but that’s never the right decision. Just get it done. It is much more rewarding if you finish all your work before heading out. That way you can just enjoy hanging out with friends. 

PRO TIP: Get a planer so you have a place to write down all your homework, tests, and quizzes for the upcoming weeks. In college it is always better to be over prepared than under prepared.


From my experience, picking classes is always one of the most important factors for success. You have the option to schedule your classes early in the morning or late in the afternoon, so do whatever works best for you. At the end of the day you know if you are a night owl or an early bird. Personally, I like to set my classes up for early in the morning so by the time I get out I still have time to go to work, do homework, and potentially have some time at the end of the day to relax. 

PRO TIP: Keep your schedule consistent. For example, if one day I sign up for a 9:30 a.m. I am not going to sign up for a 12:00 p.m. the next day because it would throw off my sleep schedule.

Brian Morrell ’20 is a senior at Plymouth State University majoring in Business Administration with a focus in Marketing and Sales and is from Bristol, Connecticut. When Brian isn’t doing school related activities or working in the Communications and Marketing department you can find him snowboarding at Waterville Valley, hiking the White Mountains, or fishing with friends.