Two women pose in front of scenic road.

Student Spotlight: Kennah Leavitt ’21

Name: Kennah Leavitt ‘21
Major: Youth Development
Minors: Mathematics Education K-8 and Adventure Education
Hometown: Wolfeboro, New Hampshire
Clubs and/ or organizations: Admissions Office Student Worker, Plymouth State Tour Guide, University Honors Program, Intramurals

Why did you choose Plymouth State?

I have been asked this question a handful of times when I give tours. I have always felt that one of the best ways to be an authentic tour guide is to be completely honest and open. Originally, Plymouth State was never truly on my radar. I had applied to six different schools in New England and thought Plymouth State would be my safety school. I didn’t want to go to a college surrounded by people I went to high school with, but it turns out, that has never been the case. Once I was accepted, I decided it was time to come to campus, and once I did, I fell in love. The campus felt like it was exactly what I was looking for and everyone was so friendly. As time has gone on, I’ve only fallen in love with Plymouth more and more—I couldn’t have made a better decision.

As time has gone on, I’ve only fallen in love with Plymouth more and more—I couldn’t have made a better decision.

What’s your favorite thing about Plymouth State?

It’s always so hard for me to answer this question because I love so much about Plymouth State. I’d say though, there are definitely a couple of things that make my experience so special. The friendships I have made over the past three years have shaped me into who I am today and I couldn’t be more grateful for the people and life-long relationships I have made here. I have also been so grateful to have been a part of such a wonderful atmosphere and team, a place I am welcomed with open arms, the Admissions Office. I started working in Admissions my first year and have only become more and more active as the years have gone by, and I couldn’t imagine myself working or doing anything else.

What is the best opportunity that Plymouth has given you?

So far, I have been given an extensive amount of growing opportunities and couldn’t be more grateful. Starting during my first semester here, in my composition class, I wrote a research paper about my personal skiing experiences and different ways it relates to PSU. My professor noticed my essay and asked me if I had ever thought to submit it to the Composition Journal for the possibility of it being published. I submitted it and was chosen to be published in the 2018 Composition Journal. I also had been granted a TA position in the Cross Country Skiing Composition course offered in my Spring 2019 semester.

On top of that, working in the Admission Office alone has opened up so many doors for myself. I have been given the opportunity to work with prospective students through the PAW Print program, Panther for a Day, and have been able to travel to high schools to talk about Plymouth State and the first-year experience.

What keeps you busy outside of classes?

I have always enjoyed and thrived when I keep myself busy. Besides working in Admissions, I recently got a job at Loon Mountain and am excited to be spending so much time on the mountain this winter. After work and school, I try to give the rest of my free time to my friends. You might find us on top of the Artus Bluff Trail, playing in our intramural teams, or of course, taking a ski day.

What have you learned to love while at Plymouth State?

I have definitely learned to love the foliage. I have grown up in New Hampshire my entire life and have always had family from across the country come to visit during the fall to leaf peep– I never really understood why. This past fall, my friends and I took a few trips up through Franconia Notch and it was filled with the most breathtaking views. I have seen trees change to yellow, orange, and red before, but it felt like rainbows were covering the mountains for miles.

What advice would you give future students?

I can’t stress enough to incoming students to get involved, put yourself out there, and be responsible for your own education. College is going to be one of the best experiences of your life, so live it up, but don’t forget why you came here and the goals you want to reach when you leave.

What are your plans after graduation?

I’ve realized that I’ll be happy doing anything if I’m making a difference in a child or student’s life. With the opportunities I’ve been given, and recently switching my major over to Youth Development, I am excited to branch out and explore the possibilities. In an ideal situation, I would love to be working with children in an outdoor education setting and possibly working in higher education.