Three male students walk across snow covered campus

Plymouth State Reflection

Coming into college I had no idea what to expect. I knew Plymouth State was a small school in the mountains with a great business program, but that was pretty much it. Below is a snapshot of my self reflection and takeaways from my college experience at Plymouth State.

Year One—All about friendships

My main priority going into my first year was to pass my classes and make friends. My roommate (who turned out to be my first real friend) and I would pick a few days out of the week to go to the library and have study/homework sessions. Since we were both motivated to pass our classes and turn things in on time, it made for a less stressful semester.

My first year was great because I met most of my friends that I still have today. My roommate and I got along great and we did our best to put ourselves in situations to meet people. We would go to sporting events (FYI, they’re FREE for all students), Waterville Valley, secret beach, and stop to talk with people in our dorm. Once we developed a friend group, we didn’t have to worry about getting lost or trying to find something to do. The rest of the year was a breeze.  😎

Year Two—Homework

If I could describe my second year in one word it would be “homework.” I declared my major as Business Administration and the flood gates opened. My course load was filled with classes that gave me the most homework and exams. My time management skills I learned during my first year helped me balance schoolwork and non-school related activities.

Living in a triple is something I’ll never forget—especially our view 😍. We got lucky enough to get a room on the fourth floor of Langdon Woods so the view of the mountains from our room was unreal. It was definitely tight on space, but my friends and I made the most of it. Within no time I got used to the new living situation and workload. I still miss that view!

Year Three–Stress Free is the Way to Be

Over the course of my first and second year I learned skills that made my third year stress free. From feeling comfortable with presenting in front of my peers, to knowing when to start working on projects and studying for exams, I knew third year was going to the best one yet. It was also the first year that I could live off campus. One of best parts about living off campus was having the opportunity to make your own meals. Not having to trudge through the snow to get to Prospect Hall was a perk for sure. My third year was also the year I started to work for the Plymouth State Communications & Marketing Office. Being able to work in an office that is related to my major was super helpful. Not only because it’s what I enjoy doing, but I got a fresh perspective on what my job might be like post graduation—and they’re pretty awesome (<they made me write that, but it’s true….really 😆).

Final Year—This is it!

By the time I got to my fourth year (AKA the present) all the things I was worried about when I first came to Plymouth State became obsolete. When I was a first year student, I was focused on passing my classes, figuring out what major I wanted to declare, and to make as many friends as possible. Now, my main focuses are deciding what type of organization I want to work for, getting my resume and cover letter to those companies, and making sure all my credits are in check so I can graduate on time.

One of the greatest things Plymouth State has to offer (IMHO) is its career fairs. Every semester, companies come to campus and talk to students about their organizations and job/ internship opportunities. The staff at PSU is also helpful if you need to talk to someone about recommendations for life post college. Your advisors, professors, and bosses (if you’re lucky enough to have some like mine) always want to see students succeed, so utilize them!

Brian Morrell ’20, Bristol, Connecticut native, is a senior at Plymouth State University majoring in Business Administration with a focus in Marketing and Sales. When Brian isn’t doing school related activities or working in the Communications and Marketing department you can find him snowboarding at Waterville Valley, hiking the White Mountains, or fishing with friends.