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Student Spotlight: Mariah Davis ’19

Name: Mariah Davis
Major: Interdisciplinary Studies—Sports Communication with a double minor in Marketing and Pre-Law
Hometown: Claremont, NH
Class year: 2019
Clubs and/ or organizations: President of Alpha Iota Sigma—Interdisciplinary Studies Honor Society, Admissions representative

Why Plymouth State? I chose Plymouth State because it was the best option financially for me after high school. However, I stayed because of our community here and the opportunities PSU has to offer.

What is the best opportunity that Plymouth has given you? Plymouth has given me so many incredible opportunities. I have worked on several Cluster projects that have given me the necessary experience to have two internships with different companies. I recently completed a 12-week internship with Mascoma Bank as a marketing and sales intern and met many PSU alumni within the bank and community.

What keeps you busy outside of classes? I work within the Interdisciplinary Studies Program and serve as president of our honors society. I also am an admissions representative. When I’m not giving tours, I am usually watching sports on TV. Football and hockey seasons keep me busy!

What have you learned to love while at Plymouth State? The biggest thing that PSU has taught me is the importance of a strong community. It’s something I will always look for now in a graduate school or a future employer.

What advice would you give future students? Follow your own path while in college, because sometimes the best things for us professionally or academically aren’t what everyone else is doing. Don’t forget to have fun and make lifelong memories with the people who you meet here.

What is your plan after graduation? I hope to work in a corporate setting doing marketing communications. I also plan on getting a master’s degree in new media marketing. When I am not working, I hope to be a successful dog mom!