5 Tips to Maximize the Opportunity Fair

All students are invited to the Fall 2018 Opportunity Fair, hosted by the Career Development Office on Wednesday, November 7, from 12:00 – 3:00 p.m. in the HUB Courtroom. This fair is a perfect opportunity for students to explore employers and graduate programs, learn about internships and jobs and market your Plymouth State brand.

Below are five tips for all students to thrive at the Opportunity Fair.

  1. Prepare your 30 second elevator pitch – Be prepared to talk about yourself in a concise manner. Highlight your background (major, jobs, internships, extracurricular involvement, volunteer experiences and more), your interests and relevant skills and how it connects to the employer or graduate school you are talking to. This is not a chronology overview, rather an introduction to who you are and what you are seeking. Provide highlights of your background, interests and skills.
  2. Research and target employers and graduate schools in advance – the key to a successful Opportunity Fair is to research and target employers before. Visit their websites to learn more about who they are and/or the services they provide. Review their “About Us”, do you align with their mission, vision and organizational goals. After learning more about organizations visiting Plymouth State develop a target list of 4 – 8 employers/graduate schools you will visit and have insightful and meaningful conversations.
  3. Develop a list of five questions to ask – be inquisitive and demonstrate initiative by asking questions that will give you more insight into the employer/graduate school and help you determine if this is an employer or program you envision yourself being a part of in the future.
  4. Ask for business cards and follow up after the fair – one great way to be remembered is being intentional and thoughtful to follow up with employers/graduate schools with a thank you note. You want to provide a recap of your conversation, share what resonated with you and any additional details as it relates to the organization and opportunities they’re providing for Plymouth State students.
  5. Dress in professional attire & bring copies of your resume – we encourage students to dress in professional clothing and bring multiple copies of your resume if an organization asks.

We hope to see all students at the Opportunity Fair tomorrow! Whether you are exploring employers, looking for an internship or job or pursuing further education this event is for all of you!

Happy exploring and connecting,

The Career Development Office