Find Your Fit

The story of how Campus Rec forever changed my college experience

I remember my first two years at Plymouth State, where I barely got involved and kept to myself. I was in this routine of going to class, working out, and bartending. I didn’t put myself out there because I was afraid of change and this whole college thing was a new scary experience. Luckily, Drew Guay, the director of Campus Recreation, came to me with an opportunity to join his department and it has forever changed my experience.

Kevin ’19 named 2019 Plymouth State University Student Employee of the Year

Worrying that I wouldn’t be accepted into this group was nonsense, as from the very first shift they made me feel a part of something greater. The family culture that we embody at our department is the definition of inclusivity. I’ve been fortunate enough to make an impact on my peers and meet some of the most amazing people in my life today. We aren’t just coworkers, we are a family that looks out for one another and is there for each other.

The personal and professional development that one is able to acquire is unlike anything else from my own experience. The network and connections that I was able to make by attending numerous conferences have aided in future opportunities. I went from someone who was shy and afraid to speak his voice, to a respected leader. I cannot be more honored to say that the two biggest accomplishments of mine were receiving the PSU Student Employee of the Year Award and getting accepted into a Merrimack College master’s program, where I will be taking the next step into a career in Campus Rec.

“I want to leave you with this one last advice that has been given to me. If opportunities are there then take them, but if they aren’t, make them.”

I wish to simply give others a glimpse of how taking a chance on an opportunity can dramatically change one’s course in life. Never would I have imagined in a million years that I would be in the position I am today, doing the things that I am able to do. I’m grateful for the opportunity that has been given to me and cannot stress the importance of getting involved. Whether it’s with our department or any other, finding your place on campus can ultimately change your college experience.

Kevin Vuong ’19 a Plymouth, NH native, earned an undergraduate degree in Business Marketing with a focus in sales in Spring 2019. He is pursuing a Masters in Health Science at Merrimack College where he is the graduate assistant in fitness for Campus Recreation. Kevin applies the social and interpersonal skills learned from Plymouth State daily. His passion for fitness is the reason for pursuing his Master’s to one day make an impact  on others. When he isn’t in the gym, Kevin enjoys riding his motorcycle and enjoys spending time with his family.