Student Spotlight: Benjamin Gleason ’20

Name: Benjamin Gleason
Class year: 2020
Major: Criminal Justice, minoring in Psychology and Sociology
Hometown: Hampton, New Hampshire
Clubs and/ or organizations: President of Plymouth Activities Counsel for Students (PACs); member of Sigma Pi Fraternity, Plymouth State Ultimate, and Plymouth State Admissions representatives; and an Orientation Leader

Why did you choose Plymouth State?

When I visited the campus, Plymouth State’s community made me feel like I was back at home. I really loved how far away it is from the beach because I enjoy the mountains and the northern New Hampshire area.

What’s your favorite thing about Plymouth State?

The faculty are by far my favorite thing about Plymouth State. They are so supportive and will do just about anything to help you succeed.

What is the best opportunity that Plymouth has given you?

Allowing me to be an Orientation Leader (OL) is an opportunity I’ll forever be grateful for. It was through the Orientation Leader program that I got the job at the University Police—a doorway into the field I plan on being apart of post graduation. Another great opportunity was participating in conferences for PACs in Boston, MA and Hartford, CT. This allowed me to connect with different agencies and companies.

What keeps you busy outside of classes?

Being so involved at the University keeps me pretty busy. I am a club sport athlete and lift weights to keep active but I also enjoy just hanging out with my friends. Being the PAC’s President probably takes up the most of my time outside of class with all of the different tasks and meetings. PACs plans many of the student activities for events on campus to include Homecoming, Spring Fling, and Winter Carnival. It’s a lot of fun, but also a lot of work.

What have you learned to love while at Plymouth State?

I’ve learned to love the people around campus and waking up to be productive at 7 a.m.! I’ve also learned to love all the experiences—good or bad. The experiences I’ve had here at Plymouth have really shaped who I am. They’ve helped me grow as a person and into an adult ready to face the world.

What advice would you give future students?

Check your email and get involved! Getting involved can open up doors everywhere for you. I have heard stories of students receiving jobs through conferences they attended with PACs. It’s how I got my job at the University Police too.

What is your plan after graduation?

I plan to get into law enforcement. I’ve been fortunate enough to build connections through the Alumni Office and through my academic adviser.

Additionally, I’ve had the best time over my four years here at Plymouth State. I’ve met some of my best friends, and alongside some other guys started a Fraternity out of nothing. I met a beautiful girlfriend and met people that can help me succeed as a professional member of society. The professors at this school have all been so helpful in keeping the stress every college student faces at a minimum, and provided as much help with any of the assignments that they can. Personally if I didn’t come to Plymouth I wouldn’t have the support network I do now. I’m very grateful to have come here. This school has become my home away from home.