Spotlight on Commencement: 2018

This year, we asked members from the Class of 2018 who had the biggest influence on them at Plymouth State and what they will remember and miss the most. Check out what they had to say!

Best of luck to the Class of 2018!!

Aaron Davis of Moultonburough, NH

Who has had the biggest impact on you at PSU?
I would say Roy Stever, he was my business innovation teacher. He taught me a lot about personal skills when I go to meet people—a lot of business skills actually. Many of which I can use later on in life.

What will you remember most and miss about PSU?
To be honest I’m going to miss a lot of the business classes, I had a lot of fun in them. That’s what I’m gonna go for, and I’m really excited to use all of the skills I’ve learned in my future and just had a lot of fun in those classes.

Jack Howarth of Portsmouth, NH

Who at PSU influenced you the most while you were here?
I would have to say my football coaches: Coach Castonia and Coach Zeman. They really pushed me to be the best football player and person that I could be and I don’t know if I would have graduated without them.

What will you remember and miss the most?
I’m gonna miss my friends the most. We will continue to be in touch. But I think just being around my buddies everyday and being able to lean on them and have them around me all the time, is what I will miss the most.

Kayleigh Bennett of Meredith, NH

Who has had the biggest impact on you at PSU?
The person who has had the biggest impact on me during my time here at Plymouth State isn’t a person at all, but a department of people! Working all year as a senior intern at the Marketing, Communications and Creative Services office has been the highlight of my senior year and my PSU experience. It’s been a privileged to work alongside so many talented and creative individuals, I have learned so much from their mentorship.

What will you remember and miss the most about Plymouth State?
I’ll always remember the first few warm spring days at Plymouth. There is no better feeling than being outside on the Mary Lyon lawn with friends after a long, cold winter. I will miss these days very much!

Cameron Cormier of Auburn, ME

Who influenced you the most at Plymouth State?
My two biggest influencers I would say are: First my coach, who definitely brought me here and showed me what it meant to work hard and be a student athlete. My second, would be Marlin Collingwood, he really showed me what it meant to work in marketing and gave me a great experience my entire senior year. I’ll definitely appreciate them both moving forward with the rest of my life.

What will you remember and miss the most about Plymouth State?
My team, they definitely shaped me into who I am. They made me a better leader! When I first arrived, the older players really showed me how to follow a leader and my senior year as captain, the team followed my lead and made me a confident leader. Being in a collegiate team environment molded me and shaped my values going forward.

Ryan Battaglia of Lynnfield, MA

Who influenced you the most at Plymouth State?
To say there has only been ONE person that has been influential to me here at Plymouth State University is an understatement. Collectively, the faculty and staff from the College of Business and Marketing, Communications, and Creative Services are the reason for my success today. Because of these people, my experience at PSU has been more than a dream.

What will you remember and miss the most about Plymouth State?
I will always remember how all the people and events have shaped me and built me up to be the man I am today. Each year I have been here, I have made better and better friends, who will always be like family to me. Special thanks to: Marlin Collingwood, Morgan Navarro, Roy Stevers, Raymond England, Scott Mantie, Johnathan Dapra, Nick Noury, Blake Bouldry, Cam Cormier, Drew Lederer, Joey Vratsenes, and Kayleigh Bennett.

Rebecca Mansfield of Westmoreland, NH

Who influenced you the most at Plymouth State and Why?
I would definitely have to say Professor Dan Perkins who leads the choral activities at Plymouth State University. His dedication and passion for what he does, not only creating music, but for creating something to talk about is so inspiring and super important as a young artist. I would also say all of the dance faculty; Amanda Witmore, Lisa Travis, Fran Page, and Beth Daily and my voice teacher Emily Jaworski, who all really helped me become and understand who I wanna be as an artist and creator of art.

What will you remember and miss the most about Plymouth State?
I think I’ll remember the sense of community and the friendliness that everyone has. You know you can run down the hall to an office and ask a favor or ask a random question and be able to get it answered on the spot. You also know your ideas are encouraged or someone will be there to calm you down.

Nick Simeti of Pearl River, NY

Who influenced you the most at Plymouth State and Why?
The seniors when I first arrived. They really helped me get to where I am today.

What will you remember and miss the most about Plymouth State?
Late nights with the room mates, wandering around campus, and pinning a national champ.

Megan Driscoll of Warwick, RI

Who influenced you the most at Plymouth State and Why?

My biggest influence at Plymouth State was Edye Levin, who served as my advisor on PACE and Spring Fling for three years. She helped me figure out which career path I wanted to take when I was incredibly lost and unsure. She always made sure that her students felt accepted and could excel in what ever field they were working in. She strived to help put on the best events for the student population and encouraged her advisees to do the same, always pushing us to do better. I can honestly say I wouldn’t be where I am today with out her influence and continued support, even now as she is almost 1,000 miles away.

What will you remember and miss the most about Plymouth State?
I am going to remember and miss the community that has been built on this campus. I was involved in several small parts of the Plymouth State community, first as a member of PACE and Spring Fling and then as a Student Activities fellow and a Community Advisor. In each of these communities I was able to grow not only as a professional, but as a person. I gained life-long friends and experience I could not have received elsewhere. Most proudly, being a member of the event planning committees, bringing GrooveBoston’s Proximity tour to Plymouth in 2017. That experience cemented my existing love for event/concert planning and lead to an incredible internship with GrooveBoston. If you had asked me four years ago where I though I would be today I never would have expected to be where I am now and that would not have been possible without the opportunities and people that are in Plymouth, for that I will always be thankful.