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Eagle Pond Authors’ Series Presents: Kerrin McCadden

April 16 @ 7:00 pm 8:00 pm

Poet Kerrin McCadden, winner of the 2022 Herb Lockwood Prize for excellence in the arts in Vermont, will read from her published collections and from new work. McCadden is the author of two collections of poetry. Her most recent book, American Wake, was a finalist for the New England Book Award and the Vermont Book Award, Describing American Wake, writer Medbh McGuckian observes: “Contrasting the luscious femininities of a Tess Gallagher in her peregrinations from Washington to Sligo, with the stern abrasions of a Seamus Heaney translating himself from Station Island to Harvard, Kerrin McCadden’s American Wake explores in depth the repercussions of emigration from generation to tragic generation, at one point receding as far back as Cuchulain.” Of her prize-winning chapbook, Keep This to Yourself, poet Diane Seuss writes: “To put one foot in front of the other after losing a loved one to opioid addiction requires incredible courage. To make harrowing and beautiful poems from the desperation that unfurls through a family for years, unfurls, in this case, toward death, is a miracle.”

This reading is free and open to the public. Books will be sold at the reading by the Plymouth State University Barnes & Noble Bookstore. The poet will be available to sign them after the reading.

This event is free, however it is ticketed. Tickets can be collected at the Box Office or online at the link below.




Kerrin McCadden, winner of the 2022 Herb Lockwood Prize for excellence in the arts in Vermont, is the author of two collections of poetry. American Wake (Black Sparrow Press, 2021) was a finalist for the New England Book Award and the Vermont Book Award, and Landscape with Plywood Silhouettes (New Issues Poetry & Prose, 2014) won the Vermont Book Award and the New Issues Poetry Prize. She also wrote the chapbook Keep This to Yourself (Button Poetry, 2019), winner of the Button Poetry Prize. Her poems have appeared in such places as American Poetry Review, Beloit Poetry Journal, New England Review, Ploughshares, and Best American Poetry—as well as on The Slowdown and in The Academy of American Poets’ Poem-a-Day series. She is the recipient of fellowships and awards from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Vermont Studio Center, and the Sustainable Arts Foundation. McCadden holds an MFA from The Program for Writers at Warren Wilson College and serves as associate poetry editor at Persea Books. She teaches at the Center for Technology, Essex, and lives in South Burlington, Vermont.


American Wake (Godine, 2021)

Two earlier collections:

Keep This To Yourself (2020, Button Poetry)

Landscape with Plywood Silhouettes (2014, New Issues Press)


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