REVEALED: The Making of Dance and Music

Smith Recital Hall

In-Person and Livestream In-Person audience limited to active on campus PSU community.​ Join Amanda Whitworth, dancer and New Hampshire's Artist Laureate, and American Prize winning composer Jonathan Santore for an evening of dance, music and discussion. Whitworth and Santore will show and discuss their collaborative process. Additionally, Whitworth will share performance and discussion around dance-making and physical theatre. When: Oct ...


Sidore Lecture: Before Anti-Autism: Cow Mania and the Vaccination Debates

Smith Recital Hall

Free and Open to the Public. Ticket Required. Free Tickets Here: Before Anti-Autism: Cow Mania and the Vaccination Debates Understanding and Responding to Social Disruptions. Travis Chi Wing Lau This talk will turn to the late eighteenth-century and early nineteenth-century debates over Edward Jenner’s campaigns to nationalize vaccination in Britain. Well-before Andrew Wakefield’s retracted article in The Lancet claiming ...
