
Elizabeth Cheney Studio Theatre

This production follows the tradition at Plymouth State of breaking the model to find innovation.  Dr. Niki Tulk (director) is an Australian theatre-maker specializing in devised works and non-traditional performance methods.  She is new to the faculty of theatre.  Matt Kizer (designer and veteran faculty) continues his work of exploring interactive digital fantasyscapes and experimental paths to spectacle.  Entangled combines movement, physical ...


Smith Recital Hall

This event is the concert of Mixed Emotions, PSU's Treble a cappella group, and Vocal Order, PSU's Lower Voice a cappella group. The concert will feature many genres and styles of music, such as pop, rock, and soul. The show is free and open to anyone!

Senior Recital: Grace Murray, Soprano

Smith Recital Hall

Please join Grace Murray, soprano for the culminating celebration of her vocal studies at Plymouth State University. Pianist Dr. Adam Mayon will join Ms. Murray for this performance. Pieces by Mozart, Robert Schumann, Ernest Chausson, and many more will be featured. Thank you for your support! Grace Murray is in her senior year as a Music major with an option ...

PSU Music: Symphonic Band and Chamber Concert

Hanaway Theatre

Please join us for the second Plymouth State University Symphonic Band concert of the spring semester. This performance will also welcome PSU's Chamber Ensembles, woodwind, brass, and percussion to perform between movements presented by the Symphonic Band. In addition, Symphonic Band will host the Manchester Community Music School and their Flute Choir. The ensembles will perform traditional and contemporary literature ...

Wixson Professorship Award Lecture: Matt Zawodniak

Smith Recital Hall

This event is free and unticketed Masks required for all patrons. Unmasked performers will be tested for Covid19 immediately before the performance       The Plymouth State University Ed and Marilyn Wixson Endowed Professorship of Mathematics was created by longtime PSU mathematics faculty Ed and Marilyn Wixson to celebrate and recognize faculty in the Department of Mathematics who are ...

Sidore Lecture: Reverberations: Making Prolonged Change as Individuals and as a Community

Smith Recital Hall

This event is free and unticketed Unmasked performers will be tested for Covid19 immediately before the performance. Reverberations: Making Prolonged Change Social disruptions and widespread trauma have created reverberations that have inspired a new generation of changemakers throughout society. For this lecture, we will gather a group of leaders for a panel discussion to share their individual journeys and the ...

Senior Recital: Ian Kim, Piano

Smith Recital Hall

Join Ian Kim on his senior recital for presenting the culmination of his piano and music technology studies at Plymouth State University. He will be featuring various piano works by several different composers including Franz Schubert, Robert Schumann, Yoko Shimomura, and John Cage. He will also be featuring his original works involving the combination of digital audio, visual media, and live ...

PSU Music: Requiem For The Living

Hanaway Theatre

Join us for Requiem for the Living by Dan Forrest with PSU Chamber Singers and University Chorale ​Thursday 4/21 PSU Silver Center, Plymouth 7 pm Friday 4/22 Inter-Lakes High School, Meredith 7 pm Masks Optional Thursday tickets available online or at Silver Center Box Office ​$10 General Admission; $15 for Row N (just above main aisle) Friday tickets available at ...

Abbott Professorship Lecture: Kerry Yurewicz

Smith Recital Hall

This event is free and unticketed. Masks required for all patrons. Unmasked performers will be tested for Covid19 immediately before the performance. ​​Janice Griffin, a former student from Union, NH, established the Helen Abbott ’39 Professorship of Environmental Studies to honor her friend, teacher and mentor, who graduated from the Plymouth Normal School (which is now PSU), for her commitment ...

Eagle Pond Authors’ Series Presents: Susan Lilley

Smith Recital Hall

This event is free and unticketed. Masks required for all patrons. Unmasked performers will be tested for Covid19 immediately before the performance.  Susan Lilley is a Florida native and is currently serving as Orlando’s inaugural Poet Laureate. Her poetry and non-fiction have appeared in American Poetry Review, Gulf Coast, Poet Lore, The Southern Review, Drunken Boat, Saw Palm, Hippocampus, The ...

The Last Five Years by Jason Robert Brown

The Last Five Years by Jason Robert Brown Wednesday April 27 at 7PM Museum of the White Mountains Produced in collaboration with Plymouth Players,  the Museum of the White Mountains, and the Silver Center for the Arts. This inventive musical explores a five-year relationship between a rising novelist and a struggling actress, showcasing both characters’ perspectives through an innovative use ...

PSU Percussion Ensemble and Jazz Band

Studio Theatre

Please join us for a combined evening of percussion and jazz performances. We will explore the music of Brazil, New Orleans and beyond with a vast array of musical instruments, sounds and tambours. Come let us perk up your evening and set your toes to tapping!