Plymouth State One Stop Shop

By: Kathryn Peterson, For The Clock

In hopes of bringing attention to removing the stigma behind homelessness and needing food. The Plymouth Cares Team, a class group taught by Bonnie Bechard, is building a One Stop Shop website in the ambitions of raising funds to meet basic needs. 

The concept was established in the Fall semester of 2020, where it was put into action shortly after. Throughout the spring semester of 2021, students partnered with Enactus in developing a service that would benefit homeless and low-income students. Enactus is a global non-profit organization that collaborates with business and higher education leaders to empower university students to make a positive impact in their communities. According to Bechard, “this website will be dedicated to placing all essential necessities like food, hygiene, and clothing into one location.” 

“This semester we have been working hard at creating and hosting a food and clothing drive to kick off Plymouth Cares first official fundraiser” adds Mia DeMarco, a Junior at PSU. Mia states, “We are asking students to donate nonperishable goods, new or lightly worn pieces of clothes, or to just make a cash or Venmo donation.” This worthwhile event will take place in front of the HUB on Tuesday, April 27th from 2-6pm. Some fantastic local businesses have donated prizes for the raffle ticket fundraiser as well.

The Plymouth Cares Team hopes that by holding this fundraiser, they will be able to collect enough money and clothing to open a professional clothing closet for the upcoming school year. To find more information, check out their Instagram page @plymouthonestopshop to learn more on how to help.

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