PSSS Elects Officers In Non-public Session

James Kelly


News Editor


The Plymouth State Student Senate elected Millie Cejka and Rosella Rentas-Ubeda as Parliamentarian and Secretary, respectively, at October 14th’s meeting. The election was entirely internal, meaning only members of the Student Senate were allowed to vote. Rentas-Ubeda will fill the seat formerly occupied by Liam Leavitt, who was elected Student Body President in Spring. Cejka will replace Skylar Hammes, who resigned from PSSS.  

Hammes left citing an “unexpected opportunity” and “moral obligations.” “I no longer believe that [Student Senate] is a place where I can accomplish the institutional change necessary to support the environment students need, desire, and deserve,” she told The Clock.

The Parliamentarian, according to the PSSS Constitution, is responsible for ensuring “proper conduct” and procedure during Student Senate meetings. The Parliamentarian also assumes the responsibilities of the Vice Speaker in their absence, according to the PSSS Bylaws. Given that there currently is no Vice Speaker, Cejka will assume that position in an acting capacity.

The Secretary’s role is to take and keep a library of meeting minutes. Minutes have not been made publicly available since November of 2023.

PSSS also elected two representatives to the Honorary Degree Committee: Olivia Atkocaitis and Lexia Stanley. The Honorary Degree Committee is responsible for reviewing nominations for The Granite State Award and honorary doctorates.

All four winners were elected unanimously in a nonpublic session. Leavitt also ran for a position on the Honorary Degree Committee, but received zero votes. PSSS Speaker Will Loughlin announced the vote totals once the meeting was opened again to the public. 

Though state law generally recognizes an extensive right to know, it does permit secret ballots for internal elections. Public bodies – which include “the board of trustees of the university system of New Hampshire and any committee, advisory or otherwise, established by such entities,” according to RSA 91-A – may not, however, enter nonpublic session for an election. 

After a suggestion in favor of a closed election from Loughlin, the move to nonpublic session was motioned by Treasurer Walter Farrar, and passed with nays from four representatives: USSB Trustee Ethan Dupuis, Student Body President Liam Leavitt, Class of 2026 President Hannah Lowell, and Class of 2027 President Quinn Hagerty. IDEA Center Representative Daniela Duque abstained.

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