Ask Cass: Situationships, Booty Calls, and Men Being Confusing

Cassidy Kenney




What do I do when I’m unsure in a situation where I know he likes me but I’m not sure how I feel? 

Those situations can be super tough because it almost feels like there is pressure to establish your feelings in the relationship, and you’re scared you’re gonna hurt the other person. I think when it comes to this you kind of have to be a little selfish. Just because the other person likes you doesn’t mean that you have to fake feelings just to make sure you don’t upset them. If you are unsure about how you feel, a conversation with that person will go a long way. 

Tell them how you’re feeling and that you do like them but you’re not quite sure what you’re feeling and maybe want to take things slow. Hangout with them and see what happens. If you end up falling for them too that’s great, but if it doesn’t work out that’s also okay. These conversations can be terrifying but the best thing is to be upfront and honest about how you are feeling.

What do I do when he only asks to hangout after midnight?

When a boy only asks to hangout after midnight that is most likely a booty call. No matter how busy he is there is no way 7 days out of the week his free time is only after midnight. 

If that’s what you’re looking for that’s great but if you’re looking for more I would honestly look elsewhere. Find someone who will take the time to hangout with you during the day and appreciates you and not just your body. 

He asked to meet my family at homecoming but has stopped asking me to hangout. What should I do? 

That situation is very confusing considering meeting parents is a bigger step during a talking stage. Try talking to him and ask to make plans. He could just be super busy. As long as he’s keeping communication with you it might not be a big deal for what you think it is. 

Keep in mind though if you are the only one making plans and reaching out, relationships should never be one sided. If it starts getting to the point where it’s just you reaching out, try to keep your distance and see what happens. If he doesn’t put in the effort then you deserve much better than that.

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