Ask Cass: Spring Break Edition

Cassidy Kenney




I don’t have anything to do for spring break, and all my friends already have plans, what should I do?

This is so common especially over spring break because your friends are either going home to different states or don’t have the same break as you, so it is kind of an awkward time to be home. This has happened to me plenty of times where my friends are all still at school and I can’t see them.

What honestly made the break worth it was working a bunch. Not only is it keeping you busy but it’s also giving you a chance to make a lot of cash before you go back to school. Give yourself some alone time and away from crazy college life, just relax and focus on yourself. You also get to spend time with your family and catch up since you probably haven’t seen them in awhile.

How much alcohol is too much to drink in one go?

There really isn’t a specific answer because everyone consumes alcohol much differently than others. Try and start out with 2 or 3 drinks and see how you feel. How much you ate that day also affects how drunk you are going to get so definitely keep that in mind when drinking. If you don’t want to get too drunk, start off with a little bit and see how it goes. 

If you think you’ve had too much I would say when the drink starts tasting like water maybe it’s time to go home. It can get hard especially if you go to a party and lose count. College is the time to make mistakes and sometimes drink too much, which is okay. It happens to the best of us. Just remember to go out with people you trust so god forbid something happens they will have your back. 

My parents want to hangout with me during spring break, but I want to go and party with my friends in another state. How do I tell them I don’t want to stay home?  

I know you want to go out and party, but try to stay home at least for the first 2 days you get back. Try and explain to them that you already made these plans and you don’t want to miss out on a good time.

They will appreciate a couple days together because they do miss you when you’re away and want to see you. They also will understand you wanting to go out with your friends, more likely than not they did it at your age as well. 

I just turned 21 and want to go to the bar, but I have absolutely no idea what to get. What should I get that makes me sound like I know what I’m doing?

You can never go wrong with a vodka cran. They are really good and you barely taste the alcohol. If you’re someone who likes tequila, try a tequila sour. Ordering drinks at a bar is not as complex as you would think. Just keep it simple with one of those and see how you like them. 

When you start going more you’re also going to realize what you do and don’t like, but definitely start off with something simple like that and you’ll be perfectly fine. You can always ask your friends what they get to help you out a little bit.

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