“Black Panther: Wakanda Forever”: A triumphant farewell

Gabriela Gondolfe


SGA President class of ‘23


“Black Panther: Wakanda Forever”, is a heartfelt adventure that honors both Black Panther and Chadwick Boseman in the best ways it could deliver. “Wakanda Forever” was released on November 11th, and delivered some of the best content the Marvel Cinematic Universe has seen since “Spider-Man: No Way Home”. The first Black Panther film was released in 2018 and was based on the Marvel comics. This movie had the monumental task of delivering a moving and compelling sequel to a billion-dollar film, without the titular superhero. Not only is this film about the legacy of Chadwick Boseman, but it is the final installment within Phase 4 of the MCU. 

The plot of the film revolves around the sudden loss of T’Challa (Chadwick Boseman), leaving Wakanda to mourn the loss of their King and protector. The Kingdom of Wakanda is a fictional country located in Africa, known for being the most technologically advanced nation on Earth. T’Challa’s mother, Ramonda (Angela Bassett), takes over as the Queen of Wakanda and must deal with other nations insisting that her kingdom share their most precious resource, vibranium. Vibranium is an element acquired from a fallen meteor that is nearly indestructible.  A new source of vibranium is found underwater but is protected by Namor (Tenoch Huerta), the leader of the underwater kingdom of Talokan. A brilliant MIT student, Riri Williams (Dominique Thorne), finds herself in a conflict between the Wakandans and the Talokans which may lead to a war between the two nations. Shuri looks to resolve any conflict peacefully but has a difficult time dealing with the headstrong Namor. The Wakandans must prepare to fight the Talokanil — with or without a new Black Panther.

It’s incredibly hard for me to enjoy many sequels in any genre of film, not just in Marvel movies. As a new fan of the MCU, and superfan of Black Panther I was nervous walking into the movie theater opening night. It was going to be so difficult for me to love this movie due to the loss of Boseman. I can confidently say that “Wakanda Foreveris a bigger, more ambitious, and more touching endeavor than any recent MCU film. 

Wakanda Forever plays like the triumphant celebration of an idea, the mournful farewell to an actual hero, and a promise of even greater things to come. Much in the same way that Boseman was more than just an actor to many of his fans, T’Challa was more than a superhero or a typical king, and “Wakanda Forever” centers that idea in a way that makes his legacy a central part of the film. A love for Chadwick and an undying reverence for T’Challa can be felt throughout the movie. 

The MCU has been home to many challenges: Its superheroes have faced everything from universe-breaking villains to secret evils inside their own operations. But the production of “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever” faced perhaps the most difficult challenge in the MCU’s history: The loss of its star. Yet, Wakanda Forever remembers what fans truly love about the MCU: The people. The characters. How, for all their powers, they feel like us, and how we see ourselves in them. When we see Shuri shed tears for brother T’Challa, we understand. We feel. And perhaps, for both the character and actor, we in the audience wipe a tear away, too. If you enjoy thrilling superhero movies and an incredible cast, I recommend seeing “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever” in theaters now!

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