“Boy Sluts” sound off: Unpacking the Yik-Yak phenomenon

Jacob Downey, Luke Young


Editor in Chief, Managing Editor


Yikyak is a hellscape. On any given night, the posting can range from solicitations of anonymous sex to the miscellaneous gossip of a college town. In only seven hours the term “Boy Slut” came to dominate the trending feed with as many as many as 27 posts, comments, and memes.

The term finds its roots in a “fashionable male aesthetic” with Evan Gilsdorf claiming that its origin resides within the cuffed jeans of his roommate Elijah Saunders. ”Elijah here wakes me up one morning and he was all, you know, ready to go to class…. and I’m just like, you know what you look like you look a little boy slut.” Saunders expanded on Boy Slut fashion by walking us through the prototypical ‘Boy Slut fit,’ stating “Well, if you look at the outfit I have on right now I got some baggy jeans, washed, cuffed, of course; the Birkenstocks, love ’em;  The nice knit sweater, something baggy; the pearl necklace and a couple of chains, some jewelry accessories. Obviously [you’ve] got to look good.” 

Gilsdorf and Sauder’s roommate, Dan LaMonica, who identifies as a “larger Boy Slut” pointed out that there are important variations on Boy Slut attire. Different boys can be Boy Sluts in different ways. “Myself, you know, I don’t really have a lot of fashionable clothes, a lot of the [stuff] that I buy is from Walmart, but I still present myself as a Boy Slut. I got my Timbs on, untied; Got my black, ripped jeans; [and] scaring the hoes [shirt].” The trio agrees that “scaring the hoes” is a lifestyle in itself, one that no Boy Slut is permitted to live. “If I’m being honest, it’s a bit counterculture. A little bit non-conforming to the whole, you know, just hoodie and sweatpants kind of thing. You know, dress the part.” said Gilsdorf with Saunders adding “If you don’t feel like talking, dress that shit.”

Comment by an anonymous user

The trio actively sought to clarify that Boy Slut is not a male-exclusive phenomenon nor do the movement’s ideals seek to degrade the sexuality of any person. LaMonica “When America was founded, it was supposed to be a melting pot of people of all races, creeds, and sexualities. Anybody could be a Boy Slut… Somebody posted ‘Boy Slut’ with the [LGBTQ+] flag. We support everybody.” They were able to confirm that at this time there is at least one female presenting Boy Slut and hope to extend their cause to any woman with a cuff in her jeans. 

As for the future of the Boy Slut movement, the trio stressed that, though they are only in their eighth hour of existence, their top priority is growth. With their relative success, Gilsdorf noted that “Someone who was not us talked about T-shirts. And I jumped on that. We’re like ‘That’s a great idea.’ Even if it’s not us, I don’t care. We’re not looking to make money off this for ourselves.” Though the trio had some disagreement as to Boy Sluts commercial status, there are evidently no plans for trademarking at this time.

The trio concluded that being a Boy Slut is not so much something you do but an attitude you embody. Gilsdorf likens it to a calling, something natural to human nature. Saunders, on the other hand, claims that “I didn’t wake up and be like, I’m a fucking Boy Slut today. No, I got bred to be a fucking Boy Slut.” All in agreement, they left us with a special message to those who may not feel as though they possess the capacity to become a Boy Slut themselves but still want to experience the bliss of a Boy Slut:

“Come get us.”

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