David Clay: The Clock Selectboard Candidate Questionnaire

James Kelly


Opinions Editor




Party affiliation (if any):



Clay Family 

Do you have any family in politics?

Cousin: Bob Clay, Town of Plymouth moderator


One you can’t get at a college.


Self-Employed: previous owner of an excavation and logging business and currently own a sawmill. 

Previous offices held (if any):

No previous office held.

Why are you running for Selectboard?

I’m running for selectman because there is a lot of corruption in town that needs to be called out on; to cut the fat in the spending and bring the spending to a minimum; to bring down the taxes because there are a lot of residents in town that can’t afford the taxes now; and to give the road agent a budget to fix the town roads because there’s an issue when the best road in town is Bartlett Road, which is a road that nobody lives on. 

What is the most pressing issue facing the Selectboard, and how would you address it?

The most pressing issue in town right now is the taxes and how I would fix it is going to several departments and look at the jobs that need to be cut, also known as the fat. After that, I would encourage the town to timber harvest their own property to bring in extra revenue. I would also encourage people to put in 55+ communities, and each house they build would generate more tax revenue into the town. With it being 55+ there would be no impact to the school system. 

What separates you from the other select board candidates?

What separates me is I am not a polished-up politician, if you want that then I’m not your man. I am a successful business owner in town and the town needs to be run like a business. We need to look at what’s best for the residents in town, and not for the town as a municipality. 

What other issues define your campaign?

Corruption and town roads

What experiences demonstrate your ability to succeed in the Selectboard?

I know how to manage a business. I have been in business for several years and when you’re in business for yourself you learn how to manage spending; what you need and don’t necessarily need, and how to manage people. 

What else would you like voters to know about you and your platform?

I’m a pretty easy person to get along with. I’m not one that beats around the bush and I will tell it how it is.

Editor’s Note: Plymouth Town Elections are Tuesday, March 12, at Plymouth Elementary School. That is spring break. If you are registered to vote in Plymouth but will be out of town on the 12th, The Clock encourages you to vote via absentee ballot.

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