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French Club: Join Today!

Liam Malik Pelosky
Features Editor for ‘The Clock’

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to learn French? Or found yourself looking to make connections with people who share the same appreciation for international affairs and the Francophone world? How about just wanting to improve upon your existing experience speaking, reading, and writing in the French language? If you find yourself answering yes to any of these questions, then I can guarantee you will benefit from checking out Plymouth State University’s (PSU) French Club! 

Although I could give you a dozen different reasons myself as to why you should join PSU’s French Club (being the President of said club). I figured the best way to convey the magnitude of this opportunity to you all was to hear it directly from your peers and fellow students! All of whom that you will hear from in this article are currently involved with French Club either here at PSU or at The University of New Hampshire (UNH). Many have been attending the virtual biweekly Joint PSU/UNH French Club Rendezvous, which have been one way both clubs have been staying active and relevant during these difficult times. Although this Spring Semester is the first-time joint meetings between PSU & UNH have occurred the feedback so far has been overwhelmingly positive. Likewise, I am very happy to be able to say the same for our very own PSU French Club Meetings.

“People should join the French club because it is a wonderful opportunity to meet like-minded students who care about improving their skills and learning more about the cultural, political, and social ideas in Francophone cultures.”

Elizabeth Lane, President of The UNH French Club

Nikolas Thompson, a Meteorology Major, Senior, and Treasurer of The French Club here at PSU thinks that regardless of whether it’s a joint meeting or not, “The French club here at PSU is the club you will want to attend if you have a passion for different cultures and languages. Between spoken role-play and talks about the Francophone world, there is so much to do!” Elizabeth Lane, a French and International Affairs Major, Junior, and President of The UNH French Club expressed many of those same sentiments, “People should join the French club because it is a wonderful opportunity to meet like-minded students who care about improving their skills and learning more about the cultural, political, and social ideas in Francophone cultures.” Reed Silvers, an Environmental Planning Major, Junior, and member of The French Club here at PSU remarked that “students should join French club not only because it will help them learn a new language or improve their French skills, but also because of the discussions held about the international Francophone community. From Quebec to France to West Africa, there is so much going on in the world that I had no idea about until I joined.” Magnifique! Informing our club members of what is happening around the Francophone world is one of the most important things we do and one of the best reasons to join the club. However, it is certainly not the only one! 

Lois Numbi, a Criminal Justice Major, Junior, and Vice President of the French Club here at PSU will be the first to tell you that “we are a very welcoming club” always help[ing] each other with our language skills.” Samy Tshileu, a Political Science Major, Senior, and Treasurer of PSU’s French Club followed that up by talking about what those improved foreign language skills can do for you “Being able to speak the French language will allow you to expand your network. You will be able to travel around the world and be able to communicate with non-English speakers.” This is no small feat either considering there are over 200 million speakers of French and 32 countries around the world that have French as their official language! In addition to learning French and learning about the Francophone world the third and final reason to join French Club is the opportunity it gives you to grow as a person and professional. Lois, Nikolas and Samy have all gained immense experience through their roles on The PSU French Club E-board and know others will benefit from doing the same! Even if you are not on our E-board, the speakers we invite, games we play, and information we share with each other will only help to prepare you for the world outside of Plymouth State!

If you find yourself having been persuaded to join this unique club on campus then please do not hesitate to contact me at,, or the club’s advisor Professor Harrington at,! We are always accepting new members regardless of their level of French and or knowledge of the Francophone world! A bientot!

Questions for/Quotes from French Club Members

1. How has learning French benefitted you?

  • Lois: It has helped keep with the language and not forgetting French.  
  • Elizabeth: Learning French has benefitted me in extraordinary ways. The most important of those benefits is that I have been able use my acquired lingual knowledge to form connections with amazing people from other countries by speaking their language, and therefore creating a mutual understanding and respect between us.

2. Would you recommend that people learn French, if so, why?

  • Lois: I would recommend it because learning languages can help culturally and professionally. 
  • Samy: I recommend people to learn French because French is a language spoken by many countries around the world. Being able to speak the French language will allow you to expand your network. You will be able to travel around the world and be able to communicate with non-English speakers.
  • Elizabeth: Bien sûr, I think everyone should learn French if given the chance because it is a beautiful language, and various countries use it. In addition to that, learning the language can open many doors to opportunities overseas, if that is something you are interested in.

3. Why should people join the French Club?

  • Lois We are a very welcoming club; we help each other with our language skills. It is not only about one subject, but we also discuss many different subjects. 
  • Reed: Students should join French club not only because it will help them learn a new language or improve their French skills, but also because of the discussions held about the international Francophone community. From Quebec to France to West Africa, there is so much going on in the world that I had no idea about until I joined. 
  • Samy: Join the French Club to discover many opportunities for personal growth from learning and talking about French culture, communities, and countries. »
  • Elizabth: People should join the French club because it is a wonderful opportunity to meet like-minded students who care about improving their skills and learning more about the cultural, political, and social ideas in Francophone cultures.
  • Nikolas:  The French club here at PSU is the club you will want to attend if you have a passion for different cultures and languages. Between spoken role-play, joint meetings with UNH (which will hopefully become normal in the future), and talks about the Francophone world, there is so much to do!

Lois Numbi, Junior Criminal Justice Major and Vice President of French Club

Samy Tshileu: Senior Political Science Major and Secretary of French Club

Reed Silvers: Junior Environmental Planning Major.

Nikolas Thompson: Senior meteorology Major, Treasurer of French Club

Elizabeth Lane: Junior President of UNH French Club