OPINION: SGA is an apparatus for pettiness

Ethan Dupuis


President of Campus Republicans


Theatrics is no way to govern. Time and again we have seen SGA placate an individual at the expense of their reputation. PSU Republicans believe that if you are elected, anything you say or do in your capacity as an elected official should be public. 

The student body may question the relevance of Student Government turmoil, as they believe it does not affect them. However, the Student Government approves the university’s ski plan, allocates club funding, and manages class budgets that are all taken from student fees. Whether you like it or not, the student government has an immense impact on the paid programming on campus. That is your interest, and it is your right to be aware of their efforts or lack thereof. SGA shouldn’t be an apparatus for pettiness, but rather solutions and engagement with the student body.

The student government has been stuck in a Mobius loop of dickery, and the decent members have been caught in the middle. It is time to cut the crap and focus on governing again. We welcome any SGA member to reach out to us and hear our concerns. It is important to take a step away from conflicting egos and drama fit for Broadway. It is time to do better.

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