Panthers take the stage at Poets and Writer’s open mic
Luke Young
Staff writer

Plymouth State University’s Poets and Writers recently hosted an open mic in the basement of Lamson Library. Many students performed their original poetry or short stories to an audience of fellow Panthers. The atmosphere was similar to the kind you would imagine at any poetry reading, complete with soft music that fit the theme, a student-designed stage area, and an array of chairs for performers and spectators. Coffee, hot chocolate, and pastries were offered, as well as a free copy of Centripetal, the club’s biannual literary magazine.
PSU Poets and Writers is best described as a community of like minds with a passion for writing creative pieces and sharing them with others. The club doesn’t require much, except that you show up and write. They offer workshops and submission opportunities to other literary magazines and publishers, including a workshop with traveling poet Kevin Devaney on March 8th at 6:30 in Frost House. His workshop is on performance poetry, similar to what was done at this open mic.
I got the opportunity to speak with the president of PSU Poets and Writers, Daniel Harrison, and Social Media manager Kay Bailey after the open mic. They were down-to-earth, friendly, and even got up a few times to read their own poetry. “I’m so impressed by the community,” Daniel confessed, “There’s so much talent and genius.” Kay shared his sentiments, and said further, “I’m happy I get to help people spread and facilitate their work.”
They shared that the best part of being in PSU Poets and Writers is the community, and their “really cool writing.” The club helps to edit and spread each other’s work and gives constructive feedback on it. Their advice to aspiring poets or writers is to come to meetings, of course, but also that you should never stop writing and sharing your work. It doesn’t matter what the writing is, because it’s good just because you wrote it.
The next open mic is at The Groovy Noodle on March 23rd. You don’t need to be involved with the club to attend, so I would highly recommend dropping by to see these courageous people perform their work.
To have your work featured in Centripetal, submit up to four poems, screenplays, short stories, illustrations, or anything of the like to

For more information on Centripetal or any other questions about how to become a PSU poet and/or writer, the club meets on Tuesdays at 6 pm in Rounds 204 and can be found on Instagram @psupoetsandwriters.