Plymouth Playlist- April

By: Taylor Nute, A&E Editor

April brings prom season, graduation season, and the actual season of spring. In this Plymouth Playlist article, the songs show all that. Each one of these songs represents some sort of change that most people have been going through or are about to go through in the coming weeks.

Green Day – Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)

Graduation is coming up, and I think I can speak for most seniors when I say we’re ready to graduate. This song is a good one for the end of an era here at Plymouth State, for both the seniors and all the underclassman.

I Lived – One Republic

This is another song that can apply to the upcoming graduation season, but it really works for everyone right now. All of us have survived a pandemic for more than a year, and with the vaccines, we’re finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I Lived is perfect for remembering all that happened during the pandemic.

Late Winter, Early Spring – John Denver

Now that we’re finally transitioning into true spring, I’ve been listening to a lot of songs that remind me of spring. Late Winter, Early Spring is one that I come back to every year, and I always love watching it as I walk in the warming weather, watching the trees bloom again.

Spring in Manhattan – Tony Bennett

This song has that calming sort of feel one always gets when winter starts to change to spring. Although we’re nowhere near Manhattan, the message the song portrays about spring in a place you call home is still relatable. Plus, you can’t go wrong with Tony Bennett’s voice. It’s just so good!

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