Pregame the Oscars with “Almost Famous” on Panther Premier

Ophelia Meagher


Staff Writer


The Oscars this year is on March 11th, and there is no better way to prepare for the newest batch of winners than by looking at a film that brought an Oscar home all the way back in 2001. 

Almost Famous” was released in 2000, and it stars Billy Crudup, Patrick Fugit, Kate Hudson, and Frances McDormand. The comedy-drama film about a young music journalist, and his time riding around with the fictional rock band Stillwater as a writer for Rolling Stone magazine, is still a delight 24 years after its release. 

The film was nominated for four Oscars, Best Actress in a Supporting Role for both Hudson and McDormand, Best Editing, and Best Original Screenplay, the only award that it took home. Despite this, it is still one of the best and most memorable from that year, and one of the best films you can watch on Panther Premier.

With an eclectic soundtrack from the 1960s and 1970s, you are taken back to a time much different, and yet so similar, to our current world. Fitting in is something that college students have to struggle with at one time or another. Those times are tough, but a movie like this will let you know that those times will pass. If you’re looking for something to watch on Panther Premier in your downtime, check this one out. I promise you, “Tiny Dancerwill be stuck in your head long after the credits roll.

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